ENKCA Agenda : Meeting Monday 24 October 2011 at 7.30pm
1 Apologies for absence LB
2 Minute of Directors’ Meeting held on 26 September 2011 LB
3 Matters Arising ALL
4 Financial Report JH
5 Grant Applications DR
6 Purchases : IT etc ALL
7 Building Report (snagging) PJ
8 Maintenance and Monitoring Report ALL
9 Rota for Monitoring and boiler settings ALL
10 Events and Hires Report MW
11 Publicity BY
12 AGM 24 November 2011 at 8.00pm
ENKCA Agenda : Meeting Monday 26 September 2011 at 7.30pm
1 Apologies for absence LB
2 Minute of Directors’ Meeting held on 29 August 2011 LB
3 Matters Arising ALL
4 Articles of Association and Directors Term of Office ALL
5 Financial Report JH
6 Grant Applications DR
7 Purchases : IT etc ALL
8 Building Report (snagging) PJ
9 Maintenance and Monitoring Report ALL
10 Rota for Monitoring and boiler settings ALL
11 Events and Hires Report MW
12 Publicity status and photos
13 AGM
15 Date of next meeting
Minute of Directors’ Meeting of Eassie, Nevay and Kirkinch Community Association
(ENKCA) held on Monday 26 September 2011 at 7.30pm in Eassie and Nevay Hall.
Present: Philip Jenkins (Chair), Marianne Jenkins, Bradly Yule, John Hamilton,
Linda Breckenridge and Michelle Wilkinson.
1. Apologies: Debra Ritchie, Stuart Wright and Bruce Pattullo.
Minute of Directors’ Meeting held on 29 August 2011 was adopted.
Matters Arising:
6 keys for the front door have been ordered from Laidlaw Solution Ltd for
£57.36. It was agreed that the school will be allocated a key during
school term. Philip to cost Fobs with Alliance Electrical. PJ
The 3 Master Keys at present are held by Michael Ryan, Sine Robertson
and Stuart Wright.
Bruce Pattullo has investigated security regulations for the gas bottles
and is to report back at the next meeting. BP
The bar optics are to be mounted. BY
Marianne and Bradly to rewrite the cleaning policy in a simplified MJ/BY
form for hall lets.
Bradly is to obtain quotes from Archie Tinney and Ally Youngson, BY
plumbers’, re. fitting a cold water tap below the disabled toilet sink
to aid cleaning purposes. John to check invoices to find out an address
for the supplier of the cleaning trolley so that further equipment can be
Melissa Lawrence has received the Fee Structure and Pricing details for
placing on the website.
Articles of Association and Directors’ Term of Office.
After discussion, the Directors’ decided to amend the Articles as follow:
a.1/3 of Directors’ must step down but can be re-elected.
b. No Director can serve more than 2 years maximum without being re-elected.
Notification of changes to Articles to be delivered round members homes
when advertising the AGM.
Financial Report.
John handed our copies of the Bank Statement. We have £89,102.05 in JH
the Bank. The final claim from the SRDP (c£47,000 max claim but
£10,000 to £15,000 potentially on non-qualifying expenditure) is still
outstanding but John to clarify with SRDP and pursue payment asap.
John to send a cheque for £403.29 which is the interest on the SIS Loan
for the quarter to 30 September 2011 (8% at 92 days on £20,000 outstanding).
It was noted the £100,000 Donor Loan has to be paid back in November 2011.
John and David Ritchie are to look at our income and expenditure now
that the hall has been operational for a year to assess the annual running
costs. JH/DaR
Grant Application.
Deferred until Debra returns from holiday.
Purchases and IT.
Awaiting Grant Application. A projector has been gifted but technical
advice is required (cables, etc).
Building Report.
Alliance Electrical has now done all work required.
The boundary fence has been repaired as requested by M W Shaw and
we are awaiting the invoice from A Shepherd & Co.
The windows have been cleaned by Aspect Cleaning at a charge of
£15 per 8 week cycle.
The topsoil from the front border has been removed by Andy Blackie
and Stuart Wright. A work party will put down the Plantex and gravel and
discussion on planting will take place.
No progress has been made in the repair of the reinforced concrete round
railings. Discussion is taking place.
The water ingress from the boiler flu will be fixed imminently by
Peter Drummond, Meigle.
There has been no contact from ADC re. the fault with the Rainwater
Harvesting System therefore we are using mains water.
As there are spare tiles, the water damaged roof tile in the main hall will
be replaced.
The relaying of the threshold strips is in hand.
Maintenance and Monitoring.
Electricity and woodchip usage is being monitored. A database will be
produced and printed quarterly so that we can assess costs. The heating
system is working well. Philip to enquire re. prices and conditions of
delivery for woodchips. At present woodchip costs £200/ton approx. PJ
A fill of the hopper is 4ton.
Monitoring and Boiler Settings.
John to do part of October. JH
Events and Hires.
Michelle reported that the Pudding Night raised £166.87. A good
night but would have been better if there had been more people.
A Quiz Night will be held on Saturday 29 October. A flyer advertising
this will go out with AGM information. Bradly reported that the Bar BY
Licence applications are now done online.
28 stalls are already booked up for the Winter Festival on 18 November.
Jane Brewster would welcome an ENKCA stall which could run from one
of the Community Rooms. A request for someone to organise this stall
was put forward.
Art Class has first meeting on Saturday 1 October.
Dance Classes commence on Thursday 6 October.
Andy Blackie to meet with the Events Committee to discuss the
Hogmanay Party and Michelle will report back at the next meeting.
Publicity and Marketing.
All information about events should be passed to Melissa for the
Homepage and to Sine to put on the Blog.
Michelle is retiring as a Director at the AGM but expressed interest in
helping out with publicity.
Bradly and Philip will support and assist this working group. It is
proposed to hold an Open Social Night, when anyone interested
in working as a group to help market our great community asset
will be most welcome. BY/PJ
Annual General Meeting.
To be held on Monday 21 November 2011.
Quorum - 12 ordinary members.
Changes to Articles of Association.
Financial Data - audited accounts.
Publicity - notice hand round doors.
Supper - tea/coffee, sandwiches and biscuits.
Attention was brought to items made from wood from the old hall and turned
by Neil McLeod, Glenogilvy. Directors’ decided to sell these items for hall
The date of the next meeting is Monday 24 October 2011 at 7.30pm.
Minute of Directors’ Meeting of Eassie, Nevay and Kirkinch Community Association (ENKCA) held on Monday 29 August 2011 at 7.30pm in Eassie and Nevay Hall.
Present: Philip Jenkins (Chair), Marianne Jenkins, Debra Ritchie, Bradly Yule,
Stuart Wright, Michelle Wilkinson, Bruce Pattullo, and Linda Breckenridge.
Apologies: John Hamilton.
2. Minute of Directors’ Meeting held on 25 July 2011 was adopted.
Matters Arising:
A master copy of the key list and key holders is kept in a folder in the PJ
bar area. Philip to ask ADC for information re key supplier to help
obtain locksmith license so that other keys can be cut.
Bruce is to check regulations for storage of gas bottles before we BP
proceed with suitable secure unit.
Bradly has the 8 bar optics. BY
Stuart brought pictures of the hall for use in the new brochure and
will approach Michael and Sine for photos held on blog. SW
John Hamilton had no problems with the hall monitoring during
August. Marianne is to check if the water temperature can be checked
monthly. The boiler has to be checked weekly. MJ
Michelle reported that Andy and Tina Blackie are keen to get involved
with the organising of the Hogmanay Party. Bradly to make
enquiries re a band but if unsuccessful will find out about a disco. BY
Philip to organise a meeting with Bradly, Melissa, Michael and Sine
re publicity. PJ
The kitchen floor cleaning rules have been amended. MJ
Bradly has met with Sine. Bradly is to obtain quotes from
Ally Youngson, Newtyle and Peter Drummond re fixing a hot and BY
cold water tap below the disabled toilet sink and the kitchen hand
washing sink to facilitate filling buckets for cleaning purposes.
As there are 3 cleaning areas, equipment to fit on the cleaning trolley
to cope with no cross contamination will be organised. A small
cleaning trolley will be sourced for kitchen floor cleaning.
4. Articles of Association and Directors’ Term of Office
Philip to email Directors’ with altered Clauses and this will be discussed PJ
at the September meeting.
Financial Report
In John’s absence a report from him was read. SRDP have now got
through their own internal audit issues and are requesting a copy JH
of Tender from us which John is to take to their offices. John
remains hopeful that SRDP will pay most of our claim (save for £10-£15K,
which we accrued) within 3 - 4 weeks. John still needs an invoice from
Grant Application
A grant from The Royal Bank of Scotland of £6000 for AV Equipment
has been sourced but Debra has more work to do as they are requesting
photographs of the interior of the hall. The new table-tennis table paid
with funding from 2014 Communities was delivered damaged. Debra is DR
finding out about its replacement.
7. Purchase of IT and AV Equipment
It was suggested that Mark Jones who did the lighting for the School
Play be asked for some input as to what we require and then a shopping
list can be put together.
8. Building Report (snagging)
Solar panel has been re-pressurized and is in operation. PJ
Mackintosh Structures has repaired the roof defects.
Alliance Electrical has replaced the bar emergency light.
The faulty sensor in the shower-room is to be replaced.
The fault with the lobby lights is repaired.
Jonathon Treffry has completed joinery repairs.
The flue from the boiler is damaged and therefore is not sealed - ADC
has contacted Peter Drummond.
The boundary fence is damaged and a quote for £96 including VAT
from A Shepherd, Meigle has been accepted.
A quote for window cleaning from Aspect for £15 for an 8 week cycle
beginning in September has been accepted.
A Glasgow pump firm has looked at the Rainwater Harvesting System
and is to report back to ADC.
Room 1 doorplate is still missing which ADC knows about.
ADC to ask sub-contractor to repair concrete defects.
The Railing posts are corroding in the concrete which need to
be repaired urgently. Philip to speak to the architect to see what he
specified for this work.
Philip has been quoted £50 for plantex, bark, and compost
from Ferngreen to tidy up border at front of the hall. Stuart to ask
Andy Blackie to remove 3” of top soil to aid this work. SW
The fan vent on the back wall of the hall is defective.
The Directors’ thanked Philip for all his work with the snagging list.
9. Maintenance and Monitoring Report
As covered in Matters Arising.
10. Rota for Monitoring and Boiler Settings.
As covered in Matters Arising.
Events and Hires Report
Michelle has spoken to Mary Marshall to ensure that she asks MW
for help with setting up the hall if required. Michelle also
reported that Mary finds the new fee structure very fair. Mary was
congratulated on the excellent job she does securing lets.
The Indian Night turned into a social meal in Broughty Ferry.
A Pudding Night will take place on Wednesday 21 September.
A Halloween Quiz on Saturday 29 October organised by KT
The Annual Winter Festival will be held on Saturday 19 November
with a christmas shopping night on the Friday from 6.00 - 9.00pm.
A Social/Sports Night is planned for January 2012.
Stuart suggested holding a Theme Night and Michelle is to look SW/MW
into this and report back at the September meeting.
12. Publicity status and photos
As covered in Matters Arising.
13. Fee Structure and Letting Procedures
The new fee structure is to be sent to Melissa to put on the Website.
Stuart produced prices for the printing of a new brochure and with
Michelle’s help will have a draft brochure for the September meeting. SW/MW
14. Risk Assessment and Documentation
Marianne has produced all Risk Assessment Documents. These will
be kept in a folder in the Admin Cupboard. For COSHH purposes
standard cleaning substances will be kept.
Marianne was thanked for all this work.
15. AOCB
The Directors’ thanked Jane Brewster and all who helped out at the
successful Gardeners’ Question Time. Anne Steel as chair person
and the panel of Pippa Clegg of Kilry Garden Club, Sheena and Hamish
Lamond of Newyle, Ally Bruce, horticultural lecturer Dundee College,
and Rex Brennan, soft fruit specialist SCRI, made for an excellent
night. Approximately 50 people were in the audience.
It is proposed that a similar event be held in February 2012.
A request for a weekly ENKCA Country Dancing class has been received.
The Directors’ agreed.
Sine would like to run a weekly community coffee morning.
The Directors’ agreed.
An ENKCA Art Class is in the process of being set up.
Debra has heard of a request for chairs with arms for disabled persons.
It is proposed to purchase 4 chairs.
Jonathon Treffry is to be asked re the feasibility of shifting the baby-changing
unit from the shower room to the disabled toilet.
The date of the Annual General Meeting is set for Monday 21 November 2011.
The Date of the next meeting is Monday 26 September 2011 at 7.30pm.
ENKCA Agenda : Meeting Monday 26 September 2011 at 7.30pm
1 Apologies for absence LB
2 Minute of Directors’ Meeting held on 29 August 2011 LB
3 Matters Arising ALL
4 Articles of Association and Directors Term of Office ALL
5 Financial Report JH
6 Grant Applications DR
7 Purchases : IT etc ALL
8 Building Report (snagging) PJ
9 Maintenance and Monitoring Report ALL
10 Rota for Monitoring and boiler settings ALL
11 Events and Hires Report MW
12 Publicity status and photos
13 AGM
15 Date of next meeting
Minute of Directors’ of Eassie, Nevay and Kirkinch Community Association (ENKCA)
held on Monday 25 July 2011 at 7.30pm in Eassie and Nevay Hall.
Present: Philip Jenkins (Chair), John Hamilton, Marianne Jenkins, Debra Ritchie, Bradly Yule, Stuart Wright, Michelle Wilkinson, and Linda Breckenridge.
Apologies: Bruce Pattullo.
Minute of Directors’ Meeting held on 27 June 2011 was adopted.
Matters Arising:
The Well-wishers Wall is to be deferred until all outstanding funding
is received.
Marianne has produced a key list. Philip to collect main door key PJ
held by ADC and see to the locksmiths license.
Information on the cage for gas bottles to be brought to next meeting. BP
Marianne is to collect the 8 bar optics from Waltons and is to enquire MJ
re the outstanding tray. Bradly to organise the mounting of the optics. BY
Stuart is to bring pictures of the outside of the hall to the next meeting. SW
Philip to ask Sine for a data stick of internal photos for use in the
production of a new letting brochure. PJ
Directors’ are to email Linda with Clauses from the Articles of
Association that need changing for the next meeting and will
to be ready to discuss Term of Office. ALL
Debra reported that there were no problems with the monitoring of
the hall and boiler settings in July. John Hamilton to do the August
monitoring. JH
Michelle to contact Audrey Duffy re the Hogmanay Party since two MW
possible names for bands have been sourced. The Coffee Morning
and the Strawberry Tea and Walk were both successful. Thanks
were expressed to everyone who attended these events, gifted items
for stalls, brought food, and who helped with the setting up and
tidying away.
Philip and Bradly are to meet with Michael Ryan and Sine Robertson
to review publicity guidelines and discuss the best way forward. PJ/BY
Financial Report.
John handed out copies of the bank account statement. £88182.72 JH
in the bank. £3500 received from Bank of Scotland sourced by
Debra. £7500 due from Leader is in the stage of a final audit.
SRDP are working on internal audits and John will know by the
end of July re £47,000 outstanding and will report to Philip.
The £100,000 interest free loan is due to be paid back by the end of
October 2011.
6. Grant Application.
Debra reported that £500 has been received from the
Clydesdale Bank. 40 banquet chairs, trolleys for the chairs,
9 long tables, plates, and 24 wine glasses are to be ordered
by Debra from £3500 Bank of Scotland donation. The Directors’
gave Debra permission to go ahead. £1500 from 2014 Communities
is to be spent on a table tennis table, carpet bowls and fenders, a bowling
mat, court markers, stretched tubing for yoga, poster sets, skipping ropes,
and 2 storage boxes. Debra was thanked for her continuing fund sourcing.
Purchases of IT and AV.
Philip and Marianne, and Bradly have costed IT and AV equipment. PJ/
Philip to compile a list within the week and pass to Debra so she DR
can source funding.
Building Report (snagging).
Philip to contact Peter Drummond re water leak in boiler room and PJ
the re-pressurizing of the solar water heating. The marked ceiling
tile in the main hall is to be inspected by the Roofers. Alliance Electrical
has the part ordered for the lighting in the bar area. Jonathan Treffry
is to be chased on re his two jobs in hand.
Maintenance and Monitoring.
The boiler has to be emptied.
10. Rota for Monitoring and Boiler Settings.
As agreed earlier, John Hamilton to do August. JH
Events and Hires.
A Gardeners Question Time on Wednesday 24 August and an Indian
Night on Saturday 20 August are to be held. Mary Marshall was
thanked for her work with the Private Hires and it was decided that MW
Michelle would liaise with Mary each month as support. A hall
tidy up is to take place on Wednesday 27 July at 7.00pm. An email
was sent out asking for community help.
12. Publicity Status and Photos.
To be known as Publicity and Marketing. Philip to meet with Michael PJ
and Sine.
13. Review Fee Structure and Letting.
Following discussion the Directors’ demitted Philip to circulate
a simplified list of the fee structure to be finalised at the next meeting. PJ
Marianne will email the Conditions of Let to the Directors’ and was MJ
thanked for her work in drawing this together. Stuart was asked to
give guidance on design and prices for a new letting brochure. SW
14. Risk Assessment and Documentation.
Marianne, with help from Linda, is looking at Health and Safety. Child MJ/
Protection has been dealt with. John Duffy and Michael Ryan handled LB
Fire Safety earlier. The importance of hall users being aware of
policies and instructions was stressed. Philip to enquire from PJ
Architects re supply of “How your building works” literature.
15. AOCB.
The kitchen floor cleaning rules will be amended.
It was felt it would be helpful if Sine would liaise with Bradly BY
to discuss her cleaning queries. The Directors’ are amenable to
funding a storage cupboard but not a sink. Sine to be asked
again about an invoice for her hours of cleaning todate.
The date of the next Meeting is Monday 29 August 2011 at 7.30pm.