AGM Minutes

Minutes of the January 2010 meeting will appear here when approved.

Minute of General Annual Meeting of Eassie, Nevay and Kirkinch Community Association (ENKCA) held on Friday 7 January 2011 at 7.30pm in Eassie and Nevay Hall.
Stuart Wright (Chair) welcomed everyone (28) to the first AGM in the new hall. Stuart stated that the AGM was a few months later than last year but felt it was fitting that the meeting was taking place in the new hall in a new year and a new start. He thanked Eassie School for its use while the hall was under construction and hoped that it would make full use of the hall facilities and that this would help secure the future of the school.
Stuart congratulated the community on achieving the building of a great hall. He said “our biggest asset is the people, with the hall project bringing the community together, and now we have to evaluate where we are with still a lot to do. A big push is required next month as this is a pivotal point in the project with the final SRDP payment.”
Apologies were received from Rev. Carleen Robertson, Carol Andrews, Elaine Wright, Gavin Durston, and Andy and Tina Blackie.
Adoption of Minute of AGM of 29 October 2009
Minute adoption proposed by Philip Jenkins, seconded by Bradly Yule.
The Report on the Achievements and Performance of the Company
Stuart read the Report (* attached). Michelle Wilkinson proposed the adoption, seconded by
David Lawrence.
The Report and Accounts for the year ended 31 March 2010
The Report and Accounts adoption was proposed by Fiona Brown, seconded by Bruce Pattullo. (*)
John Hamilton (Treasurer) handed out a cashflow summary which was discussed (*). John stated that the hall is on budget and on time and expressed thanks to Debra Ritchie, Jane Brewster and Michael Ryan for all their work and drive in obtaining funding.
Ratify the appointment of Messrs Johnston Carmichael as Auditors of the Company
The meeting agreed unanimously.
Election of New Directors’
It was noted that David Lawrence had resigned as a Director in August 2010, and Miriam Cosgrove
announced that she was stepping down as a Director as of 7 January 2011.
Debra Ritchie was proposed by Gordon Brown, seconded by Michael Ryan. Debra accepted the position of Director.
The need for Directors was brought up and this will be looked into after ramifications have been checked as we are a Company. New Directors to be looked at in six months time, with Marianne Jenkins willing to take up the position when Philip stands down.
It was suggested that the Agenda for Directors’ Meetings be put on the website prior to a meeting to allow for open discussion. The Operations Committee of Bruce Pattullo, Fiona Brown, Sine Robertson,
Mary Marshall, and John Duffy will report back to the Directors’.
Fix Annual Subscription
The membership subscription is to remain at zero. This was not agreed unanimously. The Directors’ are to consider this at a later date. Meanwhile Mary Marshall is to be given a list of Association Members for the purpose of special rates for hiring the hall. It was decided to stay with the postcode ruling at present.
David Lawrence and Linda Breckenridge have the membership details on a database.
Report of Building and Operations Group
Michael Ryan was delighted to report that the building is open and working. Michael commended the QS who helped to keep costs down, and also the Contractors who saved us money. The quality of the building is high which was made apparent with the holding of the Winter Festival two weeks after completion. Systems now have to be put in place to make sure the building functions and remains well maintained. Michael invited everyone in the community to take an active interest and responsibility for the building and to be good ambassadors in selling the hall to the public. The grounds require work when weather permits. The snagging list has to be ratified.
Report of the Events Group
Michelle Wilkinson echoed Stuart’s thanks to Eassie School and also thanked our neighbouring communities for their support when we were without our hall. Michelle went on to report on the many events which took place over the past year and listed some of the exciting events to take place in 2011 (*). Michelle asked for volunteers to help with the “Eassie Does It” Music Festival to be held on 14 May 2011.
Name of Hall
Stuart explained that a noticeboard is to be erected at the roadside rather than having notices stuck to the building but before this could go ahead a name for the hall has to be decided upon.
‘The Village Hall at Balkeerie’ received 4 votes. ‘Eassie Hall’ 17 votes. ‘Eassie and Nevay Hall’ 20 votes. The hall will be known as ‘Eassie and Nevay Hall’.
For marketing purposes it was suggested that the various areas of the hall be given suitable names eg. the suite, etc.
Philip Jenkins requested that others should know how to erect and dismantle the stage.
Michael Ryan thanked Miriam Cosgrove for her very faithful service as a Director.
The meeting closed at 9.20pm.