Minute of Meeting of Directors’ of Eassie, Nevay and Kirkinch Community Association (ENKCA) held on Sunday 8 November 2009 at 8.30pm at Harryhill, by Meigle.
Present: Stuart Wright (New Chair), Miriam Cosgrove, John Hamilton, Philip Jenkins,
Bradly Yule, Gavin Durston, Bruce Pattullo, Michelle Wilkinson, and Linda Breckenridge.
David Ritchie, Company Secretary, was in attendance.
Apologies: David Lawrence. David had forwarded his desire to stand down as Vice-chair but agreed to staying on as a non-executive Director. David’s previous hard work was acknowledged.
Minute of Meeting of Directors’ held on Monday 19 October 2009 (previously circulated and adopted).
Matter Arising from this Minute
The person who was to be co-opted has not taken up the Directorship as she is moving out of the area.
Election of New Vice-chair
Philip Jenkins agreed to take on the post of Vice-chair, proposed by John Hamilton and seconded by Bradly Yule.
Financial Position - Interest-free Loan offer
The main purpose of what was effectively an emergency meeting was to allow David Ritchie to inform the Directors’ of the very generous Interest Free Loan of £100,000 offered by an anonymous benefactor repayable in 18 months. A full discussion followed and it was agreed that David should review the legality of the loan (including obtaining legal advice if necessary) which if received would put ENKCA in a position to start the build phase of the project and tomaximise the matched funding. He will report back to the Directors’ once he has had sight of the loan documentation etc, and a meeting will be convened as appropriate to consider the next steps.
VAT Rating update
John Hamilton stated that as the hall was to be predominately used for charitable purposes (i.e. local village hall type functions) then VAT should not be applied to the construction costs. He will fill in the form before the Contract is awarded.
Gift Aid update
John Hamilton is to make up standard forms for gift aid.
David Ritchie was thanked for his input and left the meeting.
Update on meeting with prospective Contractors
Philip Jenkins informed the Directors’ that Michael Ryan and himself had met with the two lowest priced Tenders:
The two preferred bidders were found to be professional and competent and have agreed to hold prices to Jan/Feb 2010.
ADC Arbroath and R S Hill, Douglastown were the preferred bidders.
Philip stated that access to the field owned by Mr W. Shaw would have to be sorted out as storage, deliveries and craneage would be an issue when building commences and agreed to consider this with Marianne in the first instance.
Philip is to meet with the QS/Contractors to ask for clarity on the provisional sum in the Bill of Quantities for lighting/heating.
Miriam Cosgrove is to talk to Robert and Denise Mellish re their offer of the gift of a caravan. Suggestions of selling this on ebay or to a caravan park were discussed.
Names taken of helpers for the Winter Festival on 21 November to be passed on to Jane Brewster.
John Hamilton and Michelle Wilkinson were well received in making a request for funding at a meeting of the Newtyle and Eassie Community Council ,but no decision was made to our funding request as there was not a quorum.
A gift is to be presented to Fiona Brown at the Hall photo shoot on 6 December to acknowledge her excellent work as the past Chair.
There being no further business the meeting closed at 9.45pm.