1 Matters arising :
Philip proposed that Minutes of meetings be placed on the website, initially with restricted access. The Directors’ agreed. Action
2 Financial Report :
In John Hamilton’s absence Stuart presented the financial report. £26,548.49 (£25,000 repayment with interest of £1,548.49) has been paid off the SIL Loan. SRDP have acknowledged receipt of our Final claim, for a total cash release of over £47,000. There are 5 months left for paying the £100,000 interest free loan. Debra is progressing the final claim with Leader. DR
3 Building Report :
Philip reported that snagging is ongoing, with difficulty contacting anyone from ADC. He contacted George Low, QS on 13 April and will again contact ADC on 19 April.
Bradly Yule is to replace the door threshold strips. PJ
4 Operations Group :
Bruce Pattullo has had no further meetings and indicated that he is unable to continue as leader of the group. As discussed later it was decided to rename this group.
5 Events Group :
Michelle gave details of fund raising events to be held into 2012. Immediate forthcoming events include Election Hustings/debate, 1st Art Class, and “Eassie does it” Musical Festival. (see attached for further events)
Melissa Lawrence has put an events calendar on our website.
The V & A night (20 April) starts at 7.30pm with John Hamilton giving the welcome. Wine and nibbles to be served. Raffle books to be on sale. Elaine Wright to deal with the publicity.
6 Articles of Association and Directors’ Term of Office.
After some discussion, Stuart Wright is to email the Articles to all Directors and this will be discussed at the next meeting. Stuart to investigate the implications of making changes to the Directors Term of Office.
Debra to contact Companies House.
Any changes would have to be ratified at the AGM.
Philip proposed co-opting Marianne Jenkins on to the Board. This was unanimously agreed by the Directors. SW
7 Frequency of Meetings:
Philip proposed holding Directors’ meetings monthly on a Monday at 7.30pm. Ideally the Management Groups will meet on an alternate date and report back. ALL
8 Directors’ ratify Management Groups under the headings :
Publicity/Marketing - Debra assisted by Stuart.
Maintenance and Monitoring- Gavin.
Finance- John.
IT and Communications- Philip assisted by Bradly.
Grant Applications- Debra.
Events- Michelle.
Policy/Letting- Marianne assisted by Bradly.
All information presented for the website will go through the “Editors” Philip and Bradly.
9 Ratification of Hall name :
Directors’ ratified the decision made at the AGM to call the hall “Eassie and Nevay Hall”.
10 The adoption of hall management policies and risk assessments :
Marianne is working on this and will have information for the next meeting. MJ
11 Adoption of fee structure and letting procedures :
Deferred to next meeting.
12 Ratify Conditions of Let :
Deferred to next meeting.
13 Procedure for deciding on names for Well-wishers’ Wall:
The Well-wishers’ Wall will now be electronic. Philip to liaise with Michael Ryan PJ
14 AOCB:
Keyholders: Philip Jenkins, Michael Ryan, Mary Marshall, Fiona Brown and Sine Robertson. Keys to be handed on when holders away.
Cage for Gas Cylinders: Gavin to discuss with Andy Blackie.
Bar Optics: To be borrowed for Musical Festival. Debra looking into funding. Bradly to do costing
Flameproofing of Curtains : 15 Litres of fluid purchased. Philip and Linda to do a trial application.
Shorten Curtains: Directors’ agreed to go ahead with this by Forum Centre at a cost of £50.
Photos for Website : Stage managed photographs of the hall for the website to be taken by the IT Group and Stuart.
Purchases: storage units, portable projector screen, LED data projector, speaker stands, PA system, fence to boundary, garden seat, path, planting and seeding.
Debra working on funding and will approach Angus Environmental Trust for funding for exterior work.
Linda to organise a work party to tidy up builder’s debris round exterior of hall on a Saturday at 9.30pm.
Rainwater Harvesting System: Stuart requested drawings and will look to resolve the problem assisted by Andy Blackie.
Debra proposed that we acknowledge Michael’s dedicated work in getting the hall built. The Directors’ unanimously agreed and it was suggested that an item of glass engraved by Bruce Walker, Kirriemuir would be appropriate. Debra and Linda to investigate.
The Directors’ wished to have their sadness at the pending closure for weekly services of Eassie and Nevay Church minuted.
15 Date of next meeting :
Monday 23 May 2011 at 7.30pm