Minute of the Eassie Nevay & Kirkinch Board meeting held
on Thursday 20 June 2013 at Eassie & Nevay hall.
Present: Bradly Yule (Chair), Jane Brewster, Andrew
Brewster, Debra Ritchie, Marianne Jenkins,
Andy BlackieApologies: John Hamilton, Amanda Garner
Welcome & apologies
Apologies for absence were given
Previous minute and matters arising not
covered elsewhere on the agenda
The previous minute had been accepted electronically and all
matters arising were on the agenda
a. Finance
John had informed Debra prior to the meeting that the
financial situation was very similar to that reported at the meeting held in
Matters arising
Cost of picture hanging system – Jane had emailed the Board
with the cost of a new and a used hanging system but had not brought the
details to the meeting. She reported that she had attended a Commonwealth
Funding session and learned that funds could be available for arts and sports
initiatives in Angus.
Prices of hall lets –Jane suggested ENKCA should have
wedding/party packages rather than separate costs for individual items.
Everything would be detailed in a leaflet or booklet. There would be a discount
for community members but this would not be advertised. Jane will bring a proposal
to the next meeting.
b. Corporate planning
There was no report.
Andrew suggested ENKCA could benefit from business cards which could be
handed to people who were interested in the hall. He will bring costs to the
next meeting.
c. Policy & administration
fire risk assessment has been done. Bradly will organise in-house training for
the end of July and afterwards a training session for users of the hall.
Marianne has completed the Duty Auditor report form which will be stored in the
weekly report file. Marianne reported that the Angus Federation of Village
Halls was looking into electricity costs as the special rate which Angus
Council had secured for village halls had come to an end. If a grant could cover the cost of solar
panels ENKCA could reduce its electricity costs substantially. Debra will
research grants.
rota – Michael Ryan had provided the Board with an up to date rota for the
weekly checks of the hall. Andrew offered to take a turn on the rota and Jane
will contact George Marshall and Neil Ballantine to see if they would be
willing to help. Bradly will contact John Duffy to see if he is still willing
to be included on the rota.
d. Events
Debra reported that the Squirrel Night raised £169 and the
Nine Maiden’s Walk £185. The next events are the Strawberry walk in July and
afternoon teas in August. The events group will meet in 1st July to
plan for the rest of the year. Andy reported that the band was booked for
Hogmanay and he intended to organise a themed meal night for July 2014. Bradly
suggested having a theme for a season or the whole of 2014 and Debra will take
this idea to the events group meeting.
e. Communication
Jane and Debra had met with Melissa to discuss the web page.
Debra currently updates the blog pages and Jane keeps the calendar up to date.
Jane was looking for someone to maintain the web page and Bradly agreed to do
this. Jane will ask Melissa to cost putting advertisements on the web page.
Matters arising
The newsletter should be ready by mid-July.The questionnaire is almost ready and will go out with the newsletter.
- Fund-raising
Funding from Awards for All has completed the funding
required for the hard landscaping beside the hall. Debra had contacted the
Angus Environmental Trust and they had registered their grant offer with
ENTRUST and advised Debra a formal grant offer would be sent in the post.
Debra, Phillip Jenkins and Andy will meet to take this project ahead.
- Buildings & maintenance
Andy has met with AD several times to discuss snagging and a
final date has been agreed. Andy proposed £3,200 of the retention money should
be paid to AD for the snagging work they had completed leaving £3,600 of the
retention money left. Andy felt this was sufficient for ENKCA to repair/renew
any items which still need attention. The Board approved this.
- Community Integration & Community Council
There was no report. Amanda has written a piece for the
- Business development
Andrew had gone to the event organised by the Angus
Enterprise Centre to find it had been cancelled due to insufficient interest.
It was suggested that ENKCA could offer a bar service to
people/organisations looking to hire the hall for events.
5 Date of next
The next meeting will take place on Thursday 15th
August 2013 at 7.30pm