Minute of the Eassie, Nevay & Kirkinch Community Association
Board meeting held on Monday 14th October 2013 at Eassie &
Nevay Hall
Present: Bradly Yule (Chair), Debra Ritchie, Jane
Brewster, Andrew Brewster, John Hamilton, Amanda Garner
Apologies: Marianne Jenkins
& apologies
Apologies for absence were given
minute & matters arising
The previous minute had been accepted electronically and all
matters arising were on the agenda
a) Finance
John presented the draft accounts and gave an explanation of
the figures. The Board approved the accounts. John will review the WRI loan
before next year’s accounts are due and will discuss the retention money with
Andy Blackie. Bradly thanked John for all the work he had done.
Business input
Landscaping – Debra told the board that £10,000 of the
£14,000 already given for the landscaping project had been paid. The Angus
Environmental Trust had awarded ENKCA £13,500 and they usually paid the grant
when the project was completed and all invoices paid. Debra will ask if some of
this can be paid in advance. It was agreed that some of the money will be kept
back from the landscaping company until the project is complete. John will
speak to Andy about this.
b) Corporate planning
There was no report
c) Policy &
This was deferred to the next meeting as Marianne was not
Matters arising –
Pat-testing – This was deferred to the next meeting
Lights in small rooms – An electrician from Alliance
had arranged to come to the hall to look at this. It was suggested that a
change to a light switch might be the best option.
Weekly rota –Michael Ryan had resigned from the rota,
John offered to take over the January slot.
Business Input
Keys for the hall – Marianne had suggested that more keys be
cut for people who use the hall on a regular basis. It was agreed to have 4
keys cut and ask Marianne to continue to maintain the record of key-holders.
d) Business development
Andrew reported that the new sign outside the hall had been
erected. He was designing a poster to advertise the hall and will send a copy
to business centres. Andrew had also included the hall’s details on two web
sites. Melissa Lawrence had shown Jane and Andrew how to edit the web site.
There was discussion about a wind turbine which, if erected,
will be directly in the view of the hall. It was agreed that the Chair should
write on behalf of ENKCA asking Angus Council to consider the presence of the
hall when making their decision. Jane will send Bradly factual points to be
Bradly informed the meeting that Angus Council was
considering making the road in front of the school a no-parking zone and tell
parents they should park further down the road and in the hall’s car-park.
Andrew will write on behalf of the Board to Angus Council to let them know the
hall is used during the day and to ask them to clarify what they propose.
e) Events
Debra reported that the August afternoon teas raised
approximately £950, the Comedy night £750 and the coffee morning for the air
ambulance £673. Next events are a talk on the plant hunters of Angus on 23rd
October and the Halloween party on 31st October organised by
community members. The events group had offered to prepare and serve
refreshments for the parents at the party.
f) Communications
Jane told the Board that the newsletter had gone out to
everyone in the community. She was keen to be able to offer space on the web
site to other local community associations as they had included ENKCA’s on theirs.
Work needs to be done on the web site to allow this to happen.
g) Fund-raising
There was nothing to report.
h) Buildings and
This was deferred to the next meeting as Andy was not
present. Thanks were extended to Andy and his team for the work they had done
on the landscaping around the hall.
i). Community
integration and junior council
Amanda reported that there had been no calls in response to
the article in the newsletter about a junior council. It was suggested that
other ideas be used to encourage young people to come forward.
Annual General Meeting
All Directors present said they were able and willing to
continue with their role on the Board but Debra said she would have to resign
from post of events co-ordinator. Bradly will approach community members to see
who is interested in joining the Board. Wine and shortbread will be served at
the AGM. Jane offered to buy the refreshments.
The gas interlock system caused problems at a function the
previous week-end. Jane will contact Waltons to ask them to look at it and sort
out the problem.
Date of next meeting
The next meeting will take place on Thursday 28th
November at 7.30pm.