Minute of the Board meeting of Eassie Nevay & Kirkinch Community Association on Monday 16th February 2015
Present: Andrew Brewster, Jane Brewster, Debra Ritchie, Marianne Jenkins, Philip Jenkins, Andy Blackie
1. Welcome and apologies
There were no apologies for absence
2. Finance
The cashbook spreadsheet had been circulated to the Directors with the agenda. There were no extraordinary payments or receipts since the previous meeting and the financial position was unchanged.
3. Business development
Andrew had spoken to David Lawrence about the discount card he had previously mentioned. Andrew will invite David to attend a future meeting to discuss further.
4. Policy & Administration
Marianne had researched the maximum capacity of the hall and it was agreed that a policy will be created to clarify numbers for future lets. These are:
Seated audience in main hall – 150 with 8m₂ for staging.
Seated audience in main hall – 140 with larger stage
Dance event - 130
CafĂ© – 35
Marianne will write to Angus Council to inform them that the overall capacity of the hall is 185. Marianne will update the relevant sheet and put it in the admin folder and send a copy to Board members.
5. Lettings/events
Andy informed the Board that Joyce Ramsay has been booked for the Hogmanay party this year.
a) More crockery and cutlery will be bought as they are needed for a wedding in May. Marianne will order two dozen crockery and cutlery items and 96 tall glasses. Some of the bar glasses will have to be put into storage as there is not sufficient room for an additional 96 glasses. It was agreed that the coca-cola glasses can be moved to storage. The order will cost £700 including discount and lining for the glasses which will allow them to have air beneath them will cost £7.80 for 3 metres. 9 metres will be bought.
b) Ratification of fees
This was deferred to the next meeting. A pdf of current charges can be printed from the web site and Board members were asked to bring a copy with them to the meeting.
c) Jazz night
Tickets were slow to sell with just over 30 sold or considering to buy. Andy had contacted Radio Tay to seek publicity and had tried to contact Angus Council What’s On. A push for
sales will be made. The Board will set up on Friday night and Andy will buy wine. Debra will buy party type food.
d) Request from external contractors to erect lights in main hall
Debra had received a request via the web site for a wedding party to erect lights in the main hall. Andy will contact the person and discuss what can be done for them.
6. Communications
Michael Ryan had given the passwords for the electronic noticeboard to Philip who will pass them to Andrew. Andrew will ask David Lawrence about changing the web site to one that is more easily altered by community members with less knowledge of web pages.
7. Fund-raising
There was no report but it was agreed that with some additional expenditure planned for 2015 fund-raising was a priority.
8. Building maintenance
Philip had cleaned the boiler and bought glue to re-stick the stage carpets that had come loose. More fuel for the boiler will need to be bought in March. The entrance hall been repainted and a quote for the main hall was £825 plus VAT. Cupboards in room 2 will be discussed at the next meeting.
Philip suggested a storage trolley with castors would be suitable for the store room. Andy will look at the costs of making one and report to the next meeting. The company who re-sanded the main hall floor were due to look at it and see when they think it should have a light sand again.
9. Date of next meeting
The next meeting will be on March 11th at 7pm