Minute of Board meeting 15 August 2013

Minute of the Eassie, Nevay & Kirkinch Community Association Board meeting held on Thursday 15th August 2013 at Eassie & Nevay Hall

Present: Bradly Yule (Chair), Debra Ritchie, Jane Brewster, Andrew Brewster, Marianne Jenkins, Andy Blackie

Apologies: John Hamilton

1.         Welcome & apologies

Apologies for absence were given


2.         Previous minute & matters arising

The previous minute had been accepted electronically and all matters arising were on the agenda


3.         Workgroups

a)   Finance

John had submitted a report prior the meeting. He noted that Andy had contacted ADC to request a final invoice of £3,200 to be paid out of retention moneys. Andy had not yet received the invoice and will contact ADC again. John said that OSCR did not require ENKCA to have to have a full audit of the accounts and an independent examiner would be sufficient. However the ENKCA constitution states that an audit will take place every year and this would have to be changed. John suggested holding an early AGM and a provisional date was set for 25th October.


b)   Corporate planning

There was nothing to report


c)   Policy & administration

Marianne will organise PAT-testing for appliances in the hall and arrange to have the fire extinguishers checked. Andy will speak to Alliance to discuss organising a contract to have the fire alarms tested annually. The lights in the two small rooms are staying on after the rooms have been vacated and the one in the store cupboard does not switch on soon enough. Andy will arrange to have these problems corrected.


Matters arising –

 In house fire risk training – Bradly had this organised and completed the first one with the Board after the meeting

Grants for solar panels – Debra had not been able to find grants, just loans from energy companies. Andy will speak to Glendevon to see if they know of any grants which may be suitable for ENKCA

Weekly rota –Marianne offered to update the rota for checks in the hall


d) Business development – Andrew had created or updated 4 email addresses (Directors, enquiries, bookings and publicity). He will meet Melissa on 19th August to find out how to put the details on the web site. Andrew brought a draft promotional flyer which was approved and he will look at ordering some business cards on-line. He had done some research on hall lets and recommended keeping the system fairly simple.


e)   Events

Debra reported that the strawberry walk was well attended and raised £194 for hall funds. The events group was holding a series of afternoon teas on Sunday afternoons in
the hall which was proving to be successful. Lynsey Brown had arranged a comedy night for the end of September and the events group will hold a coffee morning in aid of the charity air ambulance in October. The events group had offered to provide teas and baking at the children’s Halloween party organised by community members. Andy said he may organise another themed meal in October/November. Audrey Duffy had offered to help organise a pre-Christmas lunch or afternoon tea with a Christmas theme. Debra will take this idea to the events group.


f)   Communications

Jane brought a draft newsletter to the meeting and said it was nearing completion. She will meet Melissa to discuss the website on 19th August. Andy and Andrew will arrange to erect the new notice board. The Board agreed to buy a used picture hanging system at a cost of £240 subject to approval from John.


g)   Fund-raising

Debra reported that the landscaping project had started and Andy gave an update on progress. He hoped to finish the blocks by the end of the week.


h)   Buildings and maintenance

Andy was trying to finalise the last invoice from ADC. He planned to re-paint the railings and re-varnish the front door.


i).   Community integration and junior council

There was no report



Jane suggested having an “end of project” gathering once the landscaping was finished. There would be an open invitation to all the community and specific invitations to people had sponsored and supported the work.

Jane had contacted Angus Council’s roads department to request 3 signs for the hall directing traffic to its location. Angus Council had offered to erect the signs at a cost of £1,000. It was decided not to go ahead with this.


Date of next meeting
The next meeting will take place on Monday 14th October at 7pm.

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