Board meeting November 2013

Minute of the Eassie Nevay & Kirkinch Community association meeting held on Thursday 21st November 2013 at Eassie & Nevay Hall


Present: Bradly Yule (Chair), Debra Ritchie, Jane Brewster, Andrew Brewster, Marianne Jenkins, Amanda Garner, Andy Blackie, John Duffy

Apologies: Phillip Jenkins


  1.   Welcome & apologies

Bradly welcomed everyone to the meeting and apologies for absence were given.


  1.   Previous minute

The previous minute had been accepted electronically


  1.   Election of Office Bearer and allocation of roles

Chairperson                                       Bradly Yule

Treasurer                                            John Hamilton

Secretary                                             Debra Ritchie

Events                                                  Jane Brewster

Bookings                                              Jane Brewster

Communications                              John Duffy

Fund-raising                                       Debra Ritchie

Policy & administration                  Marianne Jenkins

Corporate planning                         Andrew Brewster

Junior Council                                    Amanda Garner

Buildings & maintenance              Andy Blackie & Phillip Jenkins


4a           Finance

John was unable to attend the meeting. Andy requested a budget for fixtures and fittings maintenance/replacement and will contact John. Debra mentioned that a community member had asked if money raised from events could be set aside to pay for specific projects. Jane suggested there should be a target for fund-raising each year. These will be discussed at the next meeting.


4b   Corporate planning

There was nothing to report


4c   Policy & administration

Marianne will send each Director 2 policies for them to review. It was suggested that a book be used to record items borrowed from the hall so that individuals could sign to say when they had taken the items and when they were returned. The P.A.T. testing of small electrical appliances will be completed in December.

It was agreed that key-holders should accept some responsibility for the hall e.g. opening the hall for events or contractors. Their first name and phone numbers will be displayed on the notice board. The need to sign the signing in book was discussed and agreement reached that it should be reinforced.


4d   Business Development

Andrew had drafted a letter to go to the Council about the school parents being asked to use the car park when collecting their children from school.


4e   Events

There had been no events since the last meeting but Andy was in the process of organising the Hogmanay party. Tickets will be on sale soon priced at £10 for adults and £5 for children. Volunteers are required to help make stovies. The themed meal next year will take place in June or July.


4f   Fundraising

Debra had sent the final request for payment to the Angus Environmental Trust. The hard landscaping was now completed and now a small group was looking at plants. Eleanor Gledhill had provided some assistance. Debra could try to secure funds if she had full details of costs.


4g   Buildings maintenance

Andy reported that the outside railings and interior hallway had been repainted. He had costs for regular fire maintenance which was approximately £250 per year. The external lights were to be looked at. Andy suggested the boiler clock was confusing and suggested another type might be better. He will ascertain the cost. Andy will contact AD about the architect certificate that they have requested be given to them prior to the completion of the retention money.


Marianne suggested the store room could be better utilised and Andy and Bradly will look at this. A new baby changing unit will cost approximately £200, Andy will contact John Hamilton about buying one to put in the accessible toilet. Marianne reported that the Angus Federation of Village Halls has a meeting on 5th December to discuss energy efficiencies and environmental improvements. It was suggested she could enquire about PV panels and an electric charging point.


4H   Community Integration

Amanda said she was in the process of making a poster to generate interest in the younger members of the community.


5         A.O.C.B.

John suggested the hall could be used as a resilience centre, either for people to use as a base or as a centre point in the case of bad weather. The hall would need an external socket to plug in a generator for electricity and to identify people in the community who are housebound or who may be in need of help should severe weather affect the community. Andy will report back to a future meeting with the price for an external socket. John also mentioned the possibility of an oil co-operative. He will look into this.

There was discussion about cars speeding through the village. Andy will contact the Community Police man who had expressed interest in giving a talk in the hall.

Jane mentioned that a group had requested to use the hall for an event in the spring. The group had used the hall before and there had been a few problems. Jane will ask for a deposit of £250 and insist that the organisers must return to the hall the following day to ensure the hall had been left in an acceptable state. The no smoking policy will also be reinforced.

The community clean of the hall will take place in March or April 2014.


6.   Date of next meeting

The next meeting will take place on Thursday 23rd January 2014 at 7.30pm.

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