Minute of Directors’ of Eassie, Nevay and Kirkinch Community Association (ENKCA) held on Monday 27 June 2011 at 8.00pm in Eassie and Nevay Hall.

Present: Philip Jenkins (Chair), Marianne Jenkins, Debra Ritchie, Bradly Yule,

Bruce Pattullo, Michelle Wilkinson, and Linda Breckenridge.

Apologies: John Hamilton and Stuart Wright.

Minute of Directors’ Meeting held on 30 May 2011 was adopted.  

Matters Arising:

The Well-wishers Wall was deferred until a later date.

A colour coded list of keys has been produced.  3 grand master keys,

3 sub master keys and 2 external have been identified.  Bradly pointed out 

that as keys are licenseable we must know who holds the grand master

license.  Philip and Marianne are to meet with Michael Ryan and once  PJ/

the list of keys  has been finalised a copy will be kept in a folder.  Locking MR

the boiler      

  room is to be considered.  Philip, Marianne and Fiona Brown are on the police

list as key holders.  It is believed that ADC still hold a master key and 

Philip is to make enquiries regarding this.

Bruce has made enquiries regarding the cage for the gas cylinders and will

approach David Simpson at Eassie Smiddy regarding the work. BP

It is felt that Jonathon Treffrey’s quote for mounting the Bar Optics is too high. BY

Bradly is to make a board with brackets.  Marianne is to order 8 optics

from Waltons. MJ

Stuart has the hall pictures in hand. SW

Articles of Association and Directors’ Term of Office.

Items 31 to 32.7 inclusive need to be redrafted (11 Clauses).  Directors’ to

come back to next meeting with ideas.

Financial Report.

In John’s absence it was reported that he has been chasing the outstanding PJ

funding from SRDP (47,746.80).  The interest on SIS £20,000 is due.  Debra DR

to email Barbara Love, Rural Direct Co-ordinator/Development to ask why SRDP is so late in making payments.  Philip to contact John.

Grant Applications.

Debra has sourced £3400 from the Bank of Scotland for tables, chairs and DR 

further kitchen utensils.  £2000 from the Clydesdale Bank is also available

and Debra to meet with a group to decide what is needed and to look at 

stacking storage.  Philip read a letter from Graeme Day MP for Angus South

who offered his assistance in the future.

Purchases:  IT and AV.

Marianne has contacted Robert Ritchie re advice on screens and projectors in MJ

terms of PA to link in with our loop system.  Bradly also to ask Elan AV for BY

recommendation on prices so that Debra  can apply for a grant of £5000. DR

Bruce to ask Michael to give a full description of what he requires regarding

free wireless connection in the cafe area. BP

Building Report (Snagging).

Philip reported that there are lots of items to be attended to.  He proposes PJ

to inform ADC that we have approached another contractor to do the work and 

the cost will be deducted from their retention cost.  Philip to inform

Gavin Tripney, Alyth, Jonathon Treffry and Bradly Yule of the work required

to be done.  Bradly advised that we look at the terms of contract.

Maintenance and Monitoring.

Bruce reported that everything had been ok in June.  Alliance Electrical are aware of a fault in the emergency light in the bar and the part has been ordered. BP

The Breckenridges are to clear the builders waste from around the outside 

of the hall.  Decisions will have to be made as to the landscaping. 

Quotes are to be found from professional window cleaners: Aspect and

Stuart Comrie. MJ

Philip to set up a meeting with Sine Robertson to monitor cleaning hours. PJ

Rota for Monitoring and Boiler Settings.

David and Debra to do monitoring for July.  Philip to meet and go over DR/

what is required. PJ

Events and Hires.

Michelle reported on the forthcoming July Coffee Morning and 

Strawberry Tea and in August the Gardeners’ Question Time and M

Indian Night.  Volunteers to help at all events were requested with W

tickets to sell.  Michelle to contact Audrey Duffy re the Hogmanay Ball

and report back at the next meeting.

Publicity and Photos.

Debra handed out guidelines to follow for publicising events.  Debra and DR/

Marianne to redraft this information. MJ

It is noted that inkrun is a problem with the noticeboard.  Everything will have

to be laminated before placing in the noticeboard. 

Review Fee Structure and Letting Procedures.

Directors’ are to bring suggestions to the next meeting.  

Risk Assessment.

Marianne has this in hand. MJ


The Directors’ are unanimous in the decision not to paint the hall floor for sports.

Stuart was thanked for obtaining a quote from Alpha Leisure for sports


The cleaner’s cupboard was deferred to the next meeting.

The Date of the Next Meeting:  Monday 25 July 2011 at 7.30pm.



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