Minute of Meeting of Directorsʼ of Eassie, Nevay and Kirkinch Community 

Association (ENKCA) held on Monday 30 May 2011 at 8.00pm in Eassie and Nevay 



 Philip Jenkins (Chair), Marianne Jenkins, John Hamilton, Debra Ritchie, 

Bruce Pattullo, and Stuart Wright. 

1. Apologies:

 Linda Breckenridge.   Absent:

  Bradly Yule and Michelle Wilkinson. 

 Philip informed the Directorsʼ of Gavin Durstonʼs resignation from the Board.  Gavin 

  was thanked for his support and work over the past year. 

2.  Minute of Directorsʼ Meeting held on 18 April 2011. 

 The minute of the last meeting was approved.


3.  Matters arising: 

  The Well-wishers Wall was deferred to the next meeting allowing consultation PJ

 with Michael Ryan. 

  There was some confusion about keys with not all keys easily identifiable. PJ/MJ

  Philip and Marianne will email everyone who has keys to ascertain key

  numbers and produce a list which identifies the key numbers and 

  corresponding doors. 


  The cage for the gas cylinders is outstanding.  It was suggested that a purpose BP

 built one may cost approximately £1000.  This will be pursued with Davie 

  Simpson and Andy Blackie.

  There is a need for bar optics.  Marianne will ask Jane Brewster to order MJ

  8 optics and arrange for Jonathon Treffry to make a board for them. 

The hall fire door curtains have been shortened.  There has been no progress  PJ

 made with flame proofing the curtains.  Philip will do a trial test on some 

  curtain remnants. 

  Stuart will take some photographs of the hall for the web site. SW


 The Board thanked Linda for her work tidying the outdoor area around the hall. 

  Philip reported that the Rainwater Harvesting Company was not answering 

  emails or telephone calls.  Meanwhile the plumber from ADC has arranged for 

 the mains water to be used for the toilets and has fixed the problem with hot 

 water in the shower and disabled toilet. 

4. Eassie Does It. 

  Marianne reported that the Music Festival was very successful with many 

  compliments received.  It would be too costly and difficult to repeat the same 

  level of event in the future but the Events Group were keen to organise a smaller 

  event in 2012.  It was suggested that the Group should contact Sylvia Fleming 

  and Jennifer Duncan to discuss what might be possible.  The Board thanked 

 everyone who helped with the Festival which made slightly less than £4000 

 including the Grand Raffle.

 Philip will contact David Lawrence to discuss the feasibility of a monthly Folk PJ

 Night at the hall. 

5. Articles of Association and Directorsʼ Term of Office. 

  Debra had contacted Companies House and received an email to say DR/SW

  changes to the Articles of Association must be agreed by 70% of the

 membership.  Debra will clarify with Companies House if this is

 membership of the Board of Directors or membership of the Association. 

  Stuart will speak to Ian Hutchison about what legal assistance would be 


6.  Financial Report. 

  As per agreed standard practice, John Hamilton presented copies of 

  the bank statement showing the cash balance and gave a summary 

 report on ENKCAʼs finances.  The bank balance stands at £85,368 

  with approximately £47,000 (actual £47,746.80) outstanding to come 

 from SRDP, approximately £7500 from LEADER, £2000 from Sports 

  Scotland and around £4500 from Gift Aid.  John also commented on the 

  £6 -£7k of retention monies that would be payable to the Contractor towards 

 the end of the year (subject to snagging, etc).  It was noted from experience 

  shared with other claimants that there seemed to be particular delays being 

 in getting payments (particularly “final” project payments) from SRDP.  The 

  amount of the claim would be subject to agreement by SRDP, but if all went 

well it was agreed that once the SRDP payment has been receive, then ENKCA 

  will first repay the £100,000 anonymous donor loan, waiting for receipts from the 

 other funding sources noted before repaying the outstanding £20,000 balance 

  on the loan from the Social Investment Bank. 

7. Grant Applications. 

 Debra reported that she was ready to send an application to Clydesdale Bank DR

 for £2000 for 40 chairs and has prepared an application for IT equipment and 

  will complete this once she has details and costs.  Debra was keen to apply 

to the Angus Environmental Trust for landscaping funding.  It was suggested  BY

 that Bradly may be able to make suggestions and could liaise with Bruce 

 Andy Blackie. 

8.  Purchases - IT. 

 Philip has researched data projectors and screens.  Marianne will contact  MJ/PJ

 Robert Ritchie in Montrose about a suitable PA System for less than £2000 

 and a price for a more expensive system.  Philip will research a pull-down

  screen for the cafe.  There was a suggestion that the hall should have a 

  computer and printer but John thinks ENKCA already has a computer.  

  Philip will speak to David Lawrence about this.  It was decided to defer purchase 

  a printer for the present.

  Michael Ryan had mentioned to Philip that £85 would upgrade the router and 

 enable him to programme the display board from outside the hall.  This will be 

 added to the grant application for IT equipment.  Michael to be asked to 

  provide technical specification for router.

9. Building Report (Snagging). 

 The flushing of the toilets is now on the mains system as the rain water  PJ

 harvesting system is disconnected.  Philip is pursuing this.  Alliance Electrical 

 has fixed the Emergency Light but the one in the bar is not working.  ADC 

 joiners have looked at the fire doors but have not fixed them to our 

 satisfaction.  Philip will ask Jonathon Treffry to rectify the problem and use

 funds from the retention fund to pay for this.  Philip will revise the 

 spreadsheet of issues and email this to the Directorsʼ. 

10. Maintenance and Monitoring Report. 

 There was no report available. 

11.   Rota for Monitoring and Boiler Setting.  BP

 Bruce agreed to take responsibility for this in June.

12. Events and Hires Reports. 

  A list of events has been added to the web site.  New events will be added 

  when details are confirmed.  The new booking calendar on the web site has 

 proved helpful and the Board thanked Melissa for creating the calendar and 

 Mary for keeping it up to date. 

13.   Publicity. 

 Michael Ryan, Sine Robertson and Debra Ritchie have formed the 

  Publicity Group.  The Board agreed that marketing should be put on 

 hold just now. 

14. Review Fee Structure and Letting Procedures.  MJ/MM

 It was identified that there was a need to make some changes to the booking

 form and it was suggested that Marianne, Mary and Stuart could do this.  It

 was agreed to continue the reduced price for let.  Mary had asked if £385 was  SW

  acceptable for a booking for a wedding next year.  This was agreed with the 

  proviso that the hall be vacated by noon Sunday.  There is concern about 

  stiletto heels damaging the hall floor.  The Events Group will look for a supplier 

  and the cost of heel guards.


15.   Risk Assessment and Documentation.  MJ

 Marianne is working on this.  She will ask Jonathon Treffry to put a lock on

 one of the bar cupboards for cleaning materials. 

16.   AOCB: 

 Debra mentioned that there was approximately £1000 outstanding from 2014  SW

  Communities which is to pay for a good quality badminton set plus some

  smaller items.  This would mean there would be holes made in the main hall 

 floor but these would be properly covered.  Stuart will arrange or someone to 

  come to the hall to give a quote. 

  Stuart was concerned that no charge had been made to the Political Parties for 

  the Hustings Event.  However it did encourage the MSP to book a room for a 

 surgery for which he has been charged. 

  John asked who is organising the Hogmanay Ball.  Although some discussion  MW

  had taken place about this event the Directorsʼ were unsure who is taking the 

lead.  It was suggested that Michelle, as Event Director, may be able to find out

  for the next meeting.

  Debra said she has been approached by a couple of people who are keen 

 to find out how the Board operates and have an opportunity to have an 

 open discussion.  This was welcomed by the Board and it was suggested 

 that the monthly social event on Wednesday 15 June could be used for this.  DR

 Debra will publicize the event.

 Debra reported that Diane Ryan had offered to take responsibility for the outdoor 

notice board.  It was agreed that the priority for poster will be: 1)events organised 

 by ENKCA, 2)events organised by others to take place in the hall, and 3)events 

 organised by others taking place outwith the hall.  All publicity material for the 

 notice board should be put in the hall letter box or given to Diane so that she can 

  co-ordinate publicity on the notice board. 

Date of next meeting: 

The date of the next meeting will take place on Monday 27 June 2011 at 8.00pm in the 


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