Board meeting November 2013

Minute of the Eassie Nevay & Kirkinch Community association meeting held on Thursday 21st November 2013 at Eassie & Nevay Hall


Present: Bradly Yule (Chair), Debra Ritchie, Jane Brewster, Andrew Brewster, Marianne Jenkins, Amanda Garner, Andy Blackie, John Duffy

Apologies: Phillip Jenkins


  1.   Welcome & apologies

Bradly welcomed everyone to the meeting and apologies for absence were given.


  1.   Previous minute

The previous minute had been accepted electronically


  1.   Election of Office Bearer and allocation of roles

Chairperson                                       Bradly Yule

Treasurer                                            John Hamilton

Secretary                                             Debra Ritchie

Events                                                  Jane Brewster

Bookings                                              Jane Brewster

Communications                              John Duffy

Fund-raising                                       Debra Ritchie

Policy & administration                  Marianne Jenkins

Corporate planning                         Andrew Brewster

Junior Council                                    Amanda Garner

Buildings & maintenance              Andy Blackie & Phillip Jenkins


4a           Finance

John was unable to attend the meeting. Andy requested a budget for fixtures and fittings maintenance/replacement and will contact John. Debra mentioned that a community member had asked if money raised from events could be set aside to pay for specific projects. Jane suggested there should be a target for fund-raising each year. These will be discussed at the next meeting.


4b   Corporate planning

There was nothing to report


4c   Policy & administration

Marianne will send each Director 2 policies for them to review. It was suggested that a book be used to record items borrowed from the hall so that individuals could sign to say when they had taken the items and when they were returned. The P.A.T. testing of small electrical appliances will be completed in December.

It was agreed that key-holders should accept some responsibility for the hall e.g. opening the hall for events or contractors. Their first name and phone numbers will be displayed on the notice board. The need to sign the signing in book was discussed and agreement reached that it should be reinforced.


4d   Business Development

Andrew had drafted a letter to go to the Council about the school parents being asked to use the car park when collecting their children from school.


4e   Events

There had been no events since the last meeting but Andy was in the process of organising the Hogmanay party. Tickets will be on sale soon priced at £10 for adults and £5 for children. Volunteers are required to help make stovies. The themed meal next year will take place in June or July.


4f   Fundraising

Debra had sent the final request for payment to the Angus Environmental Trust. The hard landscaping was now completed and now a small group was looking at plants. Eleanor Gledhill had provided some assistance. Debra could try to secure funds if she had full details of costs.


4g   Buildings maintenance

Andy reported that the outside railings and interior hallway had been repainted. He had costs for regular fire maintenance which was approximately £250 per year. The external lights were to be looked at. Andy suggested the boiler clock was confusing and suggested another type might be better. He will ascertain the cost. Andy will contact AD about the architect certificate that they have requested be given to them prior to the completion of the retention money.


Marianne suggested the store room could be better utilised and Andy and Bradly will look at this. A new baby changing unit will cost approximately £200, Andy will contact John Hamilton about buying one to put in the accessible toilet. Marianne reported that the Angus Federation of Village Halls has a meeting on 5th December to discuss energy efficiencies and environmental improvements. It was suggested she could enquire about PV panels and an electric charging point.


4H   Community Integration

Amanda said she was in the process of making a poster to generate interest in the younger members of the community.


5         A.O.C.B.

John suggested the hall could be used as a resilience centre, either for people to use as a base or as a centre point in the case of bad weather. The hall would need an external socket to plug in a generator for electricity and to identify people in the community who are housebound or who may be in need of help should severe weather affect the community. Andy will report back to a future meeting with the price for an external socket. John also mentioned the possibility of an oil co-operative. He will look into this.

There was discussion about cars speeding through the village. Andy will contact the Community Police man who had expressed interest in giving a talk in the hall.

Jane mentioned that a group had requested to use the hall for an event in the spring. The group had used the hall before and there had been a few problems. Jane will ask for a deposit of £250 and insist that the organisers must return to the hall the following day to ensure the hall had been left in an acceptable state. The no smoking policy will also be reinforced.

The community clean of the hall will take place in March or April 2014.


6.   Date of next meeting

The next meeting will take place on Thursday 23rd January 2014 at 7.30pm.

Annual General Meeting 8th November 2013

Minute of the Annual General Meeting of Eassie Nevay & Kirkinch Community Association held on Friday 8th November 2013 at Eassie & Nevay Hall

Present:  Bradly Yule (Chair), Debra Ritchie, John Hamilton, Jane Brewster, Andrew Brewster, Marianne Jenkins, Phillip Jenkins, David Ritchie, George Marshall, Mary Marshall, John Brewster, Sylvia Fleming, John Duffy, Sine Robertson, Paul Phillipston-Masters, Leah Phillipston- Masters, Jonah Phillipston-Masters

Apologies:  Andy Blackie, Stuart Wright, Elaine Wright, Fiona Brown, Gordon Brown, Neil Ballantine, Jim Breckenridge, Linda Breckenridge

1. Apologies

Apologies for absence were given.

2.  Adoption of minutes of January 2013 AGM

The minutes were approved and adopted by the meeting

3. Report by the Chairman on the activities of the company

Bradly reported that the individual Directors had responsibility for specific business items and worked with community members who had an interest or expertise in the area. This enabled more community members to be involved in the running of the organisation. He was pleased to report that the hall had been well used for private lets as well as activities and social events. He said there was a good rapport with other communities and ENKCA members should be proud of their achievement.

4. Financial report

John presented the audited accounts for 2012/2013 and explained that over the year there had been a surplus of approximately £4,200. It had cost approximately £6,000 to run the hall during the year and so there was a need to increase the surplus each year in order to maintain the hall and plan for the future. The cash balance on 31st March 2013 was £28,986 and this included £5,200 of restricted funds, £10,000 set aside for capital/repairs provision, £6,681 for the builders’ retention and £7,105 for operating funds.

     5.   To consider a change to article 65 in the constitution

John explained that the Articles of Association stated that ENKCA must have a full audit of the accounts each year. This had been included because the organisation had income of more than £250,000 while the hall was under construction and it was a legal requirement. Now that income was considerably reduced the Board proposed changing this to an independent review. An Independent examiner who was qualified to undertake the duty could examine the accounts and there would be no or little charge to the association. The cost of a full audit was approximately £1,000. There was unanimous support to make this change. John had asked Bruce Dingwall, the Group Financial Controller from Stagecoach, to check the accounts which he had agreed to do. John will pass on ENKCA’s thanks to Mr Dingwall. John Brewster thanked John Hamilton for his work throughout the year and acknowledged ENCKA’s good fortune in having a skilled and experienced person who could take responsibility for the accounts. John explained that David Ritchie undertook the book-keeping duties which helped to create another level of examination.

6.  To consider the ratification of any co-opted Directors and/or the election of new Directors

Bradly thanked the Directors for their work throughout the year and said he appreciated their enthusiasm and the time they gave. All Directors had expressed a willingness to remain on the Board but there were opportunities for new members to join. John Duffy agreed to join the board and was nominated by Bradly Yule and seconded by Debra Ritchie. Phillip Jenkins offered to join and was nominated by Jane Brewster and seconded by John Hamilton. Jane Brewster suggested some people may prefer to join one of the sub-groups before committing to the Board and Bradly invited anyone who may be interested to attend a Board meeting to see how it operated.

7.   To consider the report of the buildings and operations group

In Andy’s absence Bradly reported that Andy was the Director responsible for this group and co-ordinated the maintenance of the hall. The hallway had recently been painted and other parts of the hall will be repainted in the future. The land-scaping project had started in 2013 and the hard-landscaping was now complete. Bradly thanked Debra for securing funds for this and Jane Brewster acknowledged the contribution Debra had made to raising funds for the hall. The help of Euan Grant who designed the garden was acknowledged and he was thanked for his help.  A plea was made for more volunteers to help with the weekly checks of the hall and a request made for tuition on what needs to be done for the weekly checks and how to operate the A.V. system.

8.   To consider the report of the events group

Debra thanked the events group for their work throughout the year and acknowledged that other community members had organised events for the community including Andy Blackie, Margaret Mowatt, Louise Lear-Jones, KT Garrett-Sutherland, Lynsey Brown, Audrey Duffy and Lisa Yule. Individual members of the events group had offered to take responsibility for the regular classes and Debra thanked Jane Brewster, Mary Marshall and Linda Breckenridge for undertaking the duties for ensuring the classes ran smoothly. These helped to raise the profile of the hall and brought in considerable income for the hall. The events run during the year raised approximately £5,750 and the lets for the classes raised £2,500. Debra thanked the events group for ensuring the hall was clean and prepared for private lets and acknowledged that many gave their time to undertake cleaning duties when they identified that extra work was required.

9.   A.O.C.B.

Phillip Jenkins noted that some the equipment in the store cupboard was under-used. Table tennis tables and carpet bowls were mentioned as specific items which could be used by the community on a regular basis. He asked anyone who was interested in using the table tennis tables to let him know as he was keen to organise a taster event in December. Jane Brewster suggested opening the hall one afternoon during the winter for people to drop in. This could be done on a Wednesday afternoon when the heating is on for yoga but needs a volunteer to co-ordinate it.

Mary Marshall informed the meeting that the W.R.I. will be having a coffee morning on Saturday 23rd November between 10am and 12 noon and encouraged people to support this.


Board meeting October 2013

Minute of the Eassie, Nevay & Kirkinch Community Association Board meeting held on Monday 14th October 2013 at Eassie & Nevay Hall
Present: Bradly Yule (Chair), Debra Ritchie, Jane Brewster, Andrew Brewster, John Hamilton, Amanda Garner
Apologies: Marianne Jenkins

1.         Welcome & apologies

Apologies for absence were given


2.         Previous minute & matters arising

The previous minute had been accepted electronically and all matters arising were on the agenda


3.         Workgroups

a)   Finance

John presented the draft accounts and gave an explanation of the figures. The Board approved the accounts. John will review the WRI loan before next year’s accounts are due and will discuss the retention money with Andy Blackie. Bradly thanked John for all the work he had done.


Business input

Landscaping – Debra told the board that £10,000 of the £14,000 already given for the landscaping project had been paid. The Angus Environmental Trust had awarded ENKCA £13,500 and they usually paid the grant when the project was completed and all invoices paid. Debra will ask if some of this can be paid in advance. It was agreed that some of the money will be kept back from the landscaping company until the project is complete. John will speak to Andy about this.


b)   Corporate planning

There was no report


c)   Policy & administration

This was deferred to the next meeting as Marianne was not present.


Matters arising –

Pat-testing – This was deferred to the next meeting

Lights in small rooms – An electrician from Alliance had arranged to come to the hall to look at this. It was suggested that a change to a light switch might be the best option.

Weekly rota –Michael Ryan had resigned from the rota, John offered to take over the January slot.


Business Input

Keys for the hall – Marianne had suggested that more keys be cut for people who use the hall on a regular basis. It was agreed to have 4 keys cut and ask Marianne to continue to maintain the record of key-holders.


d) Business development

Andrew reported that the new sign outside the hall had been erected. He was designing a poster to advertise the hall and will send a copy to business centres. Andrew had also included the hall’s details on two web sites. Melissa Lawrence had shown Jane and Andrew how to edit the web site.


There was discussion about a wind turbine which, if erected, will be directly in the view of the hall. It was agreed that the Chair should write on behalf of ENKCA asking Angus Council to consider the presence of the hall when making their decision. Jane will send Bradly factual points to be included.


Bradly informed the meeting that Angus Council was considering making the road in front of the school a no-parking zone and tell parents they should park further down the road and in the hall’s car-park. Andrew will write on behalf of the Board to Angus Council to let them know the hall is used during the day and to ask them to clarify what they propose.


e)   Events

Debra reported that the August afternoon teas raised approximately £950, the Comedy night £750 and the coffee morning for the air ambulance £673. Next events are a talk on the plant hunters of Angus on 23rd October and the Halloween party on 31st October organised by community members. The events group had offered to prepare and serve refreshments for the parents at the party.


f)   Communications

Jane told the Board that the newsletter had gone out to everyone in the community. She was keen to be able to offer space on the web site to other local community associations as they had included ENKCA’s on theirs. Work needs to be done on the web site to allow this to happen.


g)   Fund-raising

There was nothing to report.


h)   Buildings and maintenance

This was deferred to the next meeting as Andy was not present. Thanks were extended to Andy and his team for the work they had done on the landscaping around the hall.


i).   Community integration and junior council

Amanda reported that there had been no calls in response to the article in the newsletter about a junior council. It was suggested that other ideas be used to encourage young people to come forward.


4.       Annual General Meeting

All Directors present said they were able and willing to continue with their role on the Board but Debra said she would have to resign from post of events co-ordinator. Bradly will approach community members to see who is interested in joining the Board. Wine and shortbread will be served at the AGM. Jane offered to buy the refreshments.



The gas interlock system caused problems at a function the previous week-end. Jane will contact Waltons to ask them to look at it and sort out the problem.


Date of next meeting
The next meeting will take place on Thursday 28th November at 7.30pm.

Minute of Board meeting 15 August 2013

Minute of the Eassie, Nevay & Kirkinch Community Association Board meeting held on Thursday 15th August 2013 at Eassie & Nevay Hall

Present: Bradly Yule (Chair), Debra Ritchie, Jane Brewster, Andrew Brewster, Marianne Jenkins, Andy Blackie

Apologies: John Hamilton

1.         Welcome & apologies

Apologies for absence were given


2.         Previous minute & matters arising

The previous minute had been accepted electronically and all matters arising were on the agenda


3.         Workgroups

a)   Finance

John had submitted a report prior the meeting. He noted that Andy had contacted ADC to request a final invoice of £3,200 to be paid out of retention moneys. Andy had not yet received the invoice and will contact ADC again. John said that OSCR did not require ENKCA to have to have a full audit of the accounts and an independent examiner would be sufficient. However the ENKCA constitution states that an audit will take place every year and this would have to be changed. John suggested holding an early AGM and a provisional date was set for 25th October.


b)   Corporate planning

There was nothing to report


c)   Policy & administration

Marianne will organise PAT-testing for appliances in the hall and arrange to have the fire extinguishers checked. Andy will speak to Alliance to discuss organising a contract to have the fire alarms tested annually. The lights in the two small rooms are staying on after the rooms have been vacated and the one in the store cupboard does not switch on soon enough. Andy will arrange to have these problems corrected.


Matters arising –

 In house fire risk training – Bradly had this organised and completed the first one with the Board after the meeting

Grants for solar panels – Debra had not been able to find grants, just loans from energy companies. Andy will speak to Glendevon to see if they know of any grants which may be suitable for ENKCA

Weekly rota –Marianne offered to update the rota for checks in the hall


d) Business development – Andrew had created or updated 4 email addresses (Directors, enquiries, bookings and publicity). He will meet Melissa on 19th August to find out how to put the details on the web site. Andrew brought a draft promotional flyer which was approved and he will look at ordering some business cards on-line. He had done some research on hall lets and recommended keeping the system fairly simple.


e)   Events

Debra reported that the strawberry walk was well attended and raised £194 for hall funds. The events group was holding a series of afternoon teas on Sunday afternoons in
the hall which was proving to be successful. Lynsey Brown had arranged a comedy night for the end of September and the events group will hold a coffee morning in aid of the charity air ambulance in October. The events group had offered to provide teas and baking at the children’s Halloween party organised by community members. Andy said he may organise another themed meal in October/November. Audrey Duffy had offered to help organise a pre-Christmas lunch or afternoon tea with a Christmas theme. Debra will take this idea to the events group.


f)   Communications

Jane brought a draft newsletter to the meeting and said it was nearing completion. She will meet Melissa to discuss the website on 19th August. Andy and Andrew will arrange to erect the new notice board. The Board agreed to buy a used picture hanging system at a cost of £240 subject to approval from John.


g)   Fund-raising

Debra reported that the landscaping project had started and Andy gave an update on progress. He hoped to finish the blocks by the end of the week.


h)   Buildings and maintenance

Andy was trying to finalise the last invoice from ADC. He planned to re-paint the railings and re-varnish the front door.


i).   Community integration and junior council

There was no report



Jane suggested having an “end of project” gathering once the landscaping was finished. There would be an open invitation to all the community and specific invitations to people had sponsored and supported the work.

Jane had contacted Angus Council’s roads department to request 3 signs for the hall directing traffic to its location. Angus Council had offered to erect the signs at a cost of £1,000. It was decided not to go ahead with this.


Date of next meeting
The next meeting will take place on Monday 14th October at 7pm.

Minute of meeting held on 20 June 2013

Minute of the Eassie Nevay & Kirkinch Board meeting held on Thursday 20 June 2013 at Eassie & Nevay hall.
Present: Bradly Yule (Chair), Jane Brewster, Andrew Brewster, Debra Ritchie, Marianne Jenkins,  Andy Blackie
Apologies: John Hamilton, Amanda Garner

1.         Welcome & apologies
Apologies for absence were given

2.         Previous minute and matters arising not covered elsewhere on the agenda
The previous minute had been accepted electronically and all matters arising were on the agenda

3.        Workgroups

a.         Finance
John had informed Debra prior to the meeting that the financial situation was very similar to that reported at the meeting held in May.

Matters arising
Cost of picture hanging system – Jane had emailed the Board with the cost of a new and a used hanging system but had not brought the details to the meeting. She reported that she had attended a Commonwealth Funding session and learned that funds could be available for arts and sports initiatives in Angus.

Prices of hall lets –Jane suggested ENKCA should have wedding/party packages rather than separate costs for individual items. Everything would be detailed in a leaflet or booklet. There would be a discount for community members but this would not be advertised. Jane will bring a proposal to the next meeting.

b.        Corporate planning
There was no report.  Andrew suggested ENKCA could benefit from business cards which could be handed to people who were interested in the hall. He will bring costs to the next meeting.

c.         Policy & administration
The fire risk assessment has been done. Bradly will organise in-house training for the end of July and afterwards a training session for users of the hall. Marianne has completed the Duty Auditor report form which will be stored in the weekly report file. Marianne reported that the Angus Federation of Village Halls was looking into electricity costs as the special rate which Angus Council had secured for village halls had come to an end.  If a grant could cover the cost of solar panels ENKCA could reduce its electricity costs substantially. Debra will research grants.

Weekly rota – Michael Ryan had provided the Board with an up to date rota for the weekly checks of the hall. Andrew offered to take a turn on the rota and Jane will contact George Marshall and Neil Ballantine to see if they would be willing to help. Bradly will contact John Duffy to see if he is still willing to be included on the rota.

d.        Events
Debra reported that the Squirrel Night raised £169 and the Nine Maiden’s Walk £185. The next events are the Strawberry walk in July and afternoon teas in August. The events group will meet in 1st July to plan for the rest of the year. Andy reported that the band was booked for Hogmanay and he intended to organise a themed meal night for July 2014. Bradly suggested having a theme for a season or the whole of 2014 and Debra will take this idea to the events group meeting.

e.        Communication
Jane and Debra had met with Melissa to discuss the web page. Debra currently updates the blog pages and Jane keeps the calendar up to date. Jane was looking for someone to maintain the web page and Bradly agreed to do this. Jane will ask Melissa to cost putting advertisements on the web page.

Matters arising
The newsletter should be ready by mid-July.
The questionnaire is almost ready and will go out with the newsletter.

  1.   Fund-raising
Funding from Awards for All has completed the funding required for the hard landscaping beside the hall. Debra had contacted the Angus Environmental Trust and they had registered their grant offer with ENTRUST and advised Debra a formal grant offer would be sent in the post. Debra, Phillip Jenkins and Andy will meet to take this project ahead.

  1.   Buildings & maintenance
Andy has met with AD several times to discuss snagging and a final date has been agreed. Andy proposed £3,200 of the retention money should be paid to AD for the snagging work they had completed leaving £3,600 of the retention money left. Andy felt this was sufficient for ENKCA to repair/renew any items which still need attention. The Board approved this.

  1.  Community Integration & Community Council
There was no report. Amanda has written a piece for the newsletter.

  1.   Business development

Andrew had gone to the event organised by the Angus Enterprise Centre to find it had been cancelled due to insufficient interest.
It was suggested that ENKCA could offer a bar service to people/organisations looking to hire the hall for events.

5   Date of next meeting

The next meeting will take place on Thursday 15th August 2013 at 7.30pm

Minute of meeting held on 6 May 2013

Minute of the Eassie Nevay & Kirkinch Board meeting held on Monday 6th May 2013 at Eassie & Nevay hall.
Present: Bradly Yule (Chair), Jane Brewster, Andrew Brewster, Debra Ritchie, Marianne Jenkins, Amanda Garner, Andy Blackie, John Hamilton

1.      Welcome & apologies
There were no apologies for absence.

2.        Previous minute and matters arising not covered elsewhere on the agenda
The previous minute had been accepted electronically and all matters arising were on the agenda

3.       Workgroups
a.        Finance
John presented the bank statement up to 3rd May 2013 and a spreadsheet which detailed the amount raised for each activity in the hall. John explained that David Ritchie maintained the cash books and thanked him for his work. During 2012/2013 there was an approximate net surplus of £8,451 (£5,500 of which is restricted for the landscaping project). John emphasised that all fund-raising activities in the hall were needed and even the smaller amounts raised were essential.

There remains £7,000 retention money and £5,500 for landscaping which leaves approximately £17,000 which is a small increase on last year’s figure.  There was some discussion about the retention money. Andy will check the contract with AD and ascertain the work from the snagging list that has been completed and must be paid for. John will find out if ENKCA has to pay for a full audit of the accounts now that the sums involved are smaller and two independent people are dealing with payments.

Andy acknowledged the work John did with the finance over the year and thanked him.

Matters arising
Cost of cleaning – John reported that is costs approximately £1400 per year to clean the hall and suggested some weeks are cancelled over the summer if it does not need a weekly clean during this time.

Hire of hall to charities –
Debra suggested ENKCA have a reduced charge to ENKCA members who wish to book the hall to raise money for a charity, especially when the Hall may otherwise be empty.   John had advised that the minimal cost of running an event (heating, electricity, insurances , cleaning, toilet rolls, etc, etc) should be seen as being around £40 - £50 (with the higher amount for the winter) and ideally this cost should still be covered by those using the hall for an event.  It was agreed that a minimum of 3 Directors could make the decision on a case by case basis. Non-members organising a charitable event will have to pay the full price.
b.        Corporate planning
There was no report.

Matters arising
Communication re maintenance
The Duty Auditor will report to the maintenance Director (Andy Blackie) about any maintenance problems they have identified when doing their weekly check of the hall or anything written in the signing-in book in the hall. Any queries about supplies will be directed to Marianne Jenkins. Marianne will draft a record sheet which will detail when and by whom a problem was reported. This will be kept in the admin cupboard.

c.        Policy & administration
Marianne had completed the Health & Safety Policy. Marianne, Andy, Bradly, Andrew and Philip Jenkins will do a fire risk assessment. Bradly will prepare a fire training log.

Marianne had met with several community members to revise the form which gives information and clarifies the responsibilities of the person booking the hall. The Board approved the document with a couple of small alterations and the addition of a £40 cleaning deposit.  Marianne will check to make sure the booking form requires a signature from the person booking the hall to accept responsibility for breakages and damage. The group which reviewed the form had suggested a change to the booking practice. They suggested it would be better to spread the work among a few people and so all future bookings will be allocated to one of a list of 9 volunteers. The person taking on the booking will be the sole person to deal with all aspects of the booking.

Booking Secretary – Michael Ryan had offered to act as Booking Secretary for 3 months to allow the Board to find a replacement for Mary. Jane offered to take on the role under this new system. The Board expressed its thanks to Michael for taking on the role.

d.        Events
Debra reported that Gardeners’ Question Time had raised almost £100 and the plant sale had raised £618. The next events are the Nine Maidens’ Walk in June and the Strawberry Tea & Walk in July.

Matters arising

Outdoor of hall after events – Debra mentioned that the area outside the hall had been untidy after a couple of events recently. Jane will contact Environmental Health to request 2 more bins.

e.        Communication
Jane reported that Melissa had agreed to show a small group of people how to access and change the web site.  Bradly will speak to Melissa to try to arrange a meeting. A few people had said they had struggled to find the hall; Jane will contact Angus Council to see if they can provide signage. The Business Gateway in Arbroath is holding a seminar on public relations and the voluntary sector on 14th May between 6pm and 8pm. Andrew said he intended to go and offered to take anyone who was interested.

Jane brought to the meeting a system for hanging pictures which would allow ENKCA to hang the pictures it had been given for the hall. Jane will ask for a price and discuss the security of the pictures with the system.

Jane was keen to establish the newsletter and asked Directors to submit something by mid-May.

Bradly had prepared a questionnaire which could go to all households in the area. He will make some small amendments to this.

f.          Fund-raising
Debra reported that she had applied to Awards for All for £6,500 which is the remaining amount needed for the landscaping project. She had asked Andy to cost the materials and labour separately.

g.        Buildings & maintenance
Andy asked how to tackle on-going maintenance issues. John advised him that once the retention was finalised we would then know how much money was left to deal with these. Any expenditure must be approved by John before proceeding.
Matters arising
Divider for gents’ toilet – installed
Baby changing table – Andy advised the Board a new one costs £150 so it would be better to buy a new one than replace the old one and have markings on the wall. Andy will discuss this with John.
New notice Board – Andy queried the sight line for cars leaving the hall and will check this.
Alarm in easy access toilet – Andy will look at this
Snagging – Andy said he had the list of snagging items and had tried to contact AD about it. He was waiting for them to return his calls. The ceiling in the ladies’ toilet will be fixed within a week and Andy will fix the light.

Andy asked about painting the foyer walls and the outside rails as both were looking in need of repainting. Some silicon on the windows also needed to be replaced. Andy will ask for a quote and Bradly will get a quote for the interior painting.

The light sensors outside are not working and an electrician will need to be called to look at these. Marianne asked if the electrician could also look at the kitchen fan and suggested the immersion heater would be better located in the kitchen than the loft.

h.        A.O.C.B
Debra said that Michael Ryan had offered to show new people who were willing to do the weekly checks what was required. It was hoped that the community questionnaire would find people willing to take a turn to do this.

Debra said that she had received a request for advice and information from the lady who runs the cleaning business the hall uses. She is involved with Kettins Hall and they are looking to upgrade their hall and would like to speak to the ENKCA Board. Debra, Bradly, Jane agreed to meet them. Marianne will ask Philip if he can attend the meeting too. Jane and Marianne said there were people from another two halls who would be keen to come. Debra asked if it could be restricted to these 2 halls only as the request had been for a small informal get-together rather than a presentation. A provisional date was set for Monday 20th May at 7pm. Debra will advise the group if this is suitable for the Kettins people.

5   Date of next meeting
The next meeting will take place on Thursday 20th June 2013 at 7.30pm