Board meeting 3rd March

Minute of the Eassie, Nevay & Kirkinch Community Association Board meeting held on Monday 3rd March 2014 at Eassie & Nevay Hall

Present: Bradly Yule (Chair), Debra Ritchie, Jane Brewster, John Duffy, Andy Blackie, Marianne Jenkins, Philip Jenkins, Amanda Garner, John Hamilton
Apologies: Andrew Brewster

1.         Welcome & apologies

Apologies for absence were given

2.         Workgroups

a)   Finance

John gave the up to date position of ENKCA finances. The income from regular lets is £137 per week and the cost of electricity and pellets over the winter was £60 per week. Regular lets cover the running costs of the hall with additional lets and fund-raising events providing extra income for maintenance and improvements. It was agreed that it would be beneficial to encourage new users of the hall to consider days when the hall is already used to maximise the heating costs.

b)   Corporate planning/Business development/Junior Council

As Andrew was not present it was agreed to defer discussion of the web-site until the next meeting. Amanda, Jane and Debra had met to discuss ways to involve young people in the hall. They had suggested organising a film show during the Easter break but there was some uncertainty about licences. There followed a discussion about showing live sports events during the summer. John Duffy will research the cost implications with Sky and Bradly will look into the costs for a BBC licence.

c)   Policy & administration

Marianne had emailed a draft key-holder sheet to the Board. She will add an agreement for names and telephone numbers to be displayed on the notice board and then circulate to key-holders to sign.

The responsible user for hall lets must have fire-risk training and sign the log to confirm they have done so.

There was some discussion about the need for lockable storage for the administrative files, possibly in room 2. Marianne will give Andy measurements so he can provide costs. This will be brought back to a future meeting for further discussion.

John Duffy has contacted Michael Ryan about the access code for the computer and will meet with him soon.

d)   Events

The Wildlife Crime Officer had not replied to Andy; Jane will pursue this. The weekend for the spring clean had been agreed for 5 and 6 April but this will have to be altered due to work in the hall during the spring break. Jane will provide a list of jobs to be done so people can choose what they would like to do and bring the appropriate equipment with them.

There had been no progress with organising a drop-in afternoon on Wednesdays.

Jane asked if she could buy some more crockery and glasses as there had been some breakages and no longer 120 each of all crockery items.  Jane will cost these and provide John with the figure before ordering. It was agreed that a domestic microwave cooker can be bought. Jane should ask for it to be P.A.T. tested before delivery.

e)   Communications

A piece will be given to Dudley Trefry for The Glack, the Newtyle Church newsletter, each month. This will include a list of forthcoming events. Twitter is now operating again but has only 8 followers. More need to be encouraged to join. Facebook is also available and should be used more. John will send links for both to the Board so they can use them on emails. John will update the community email list once he gets it from Michael.

f)   Fund-raising

The application to Grow Wild had been unsuccessful but Debra had applied to them for free seeds and bird boxes. She had also applied to Foundation Scotland for plants for the garden as well as the development of the piece of land behind the hall into a wild-flower area.

Phillip had met the Manager from Angus Environmental Trust and explained that their grant had been fully utilised but we still need funds for plants. The manager had said if the grant had not yet been closed he might be able to increase it to cover the costs of the plants. He will find out and let Phillip know. The AET still has money for environmental projects and will close next year so all applications have to be made before then.

Phillip will contact Elinor Gledhill about the number and types of plants needed and ask a few nurseries to quote for them with delivery.

g)   Buildings and maintenance

The baby changing unit has been moved to the easy access toilet and the alarm in the toilet is now working. Andy mentioned that the old benches were causing damage to the walls and requested their removal. Jane will store all but one which will be kept in the hallway. This one will have rubber stops put on the back of it.

The hall floor is deteriorating and Andy had 3 quotations for it to be sanded and re-lacquered. The cheapest was £1700 with additional costs of £400 for ongoing maintenance every 12 – 18 months. This was agreed and Andy will try to have the work done in the first week of the spring break.

The solar panels are not working, Andy and Phillip will look at the panels and find out what needs to be done.

The light bulbs in the main hall are starting to blow and will need to be replaced soon.

3.         A.O.C.B.

Jane reported that the Land Fund has re-opened for communities who want to buy land. John Duffy will speak to Iain Gaul about this. The school’s Parent Council may want to support this.

Jane asked if we could set bar prices for ENKCA running a bar for lets. Andy will look at this.

John Duffy reported a good meeting with Angus Council re emergency contingency. They have useful resources which could be given to ENKCA but these would have to be stored.

Date of next meeting
The next meeting will take place on Monday 21st April at 7.30pm.

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