Board meeting 21st April 2014

Minute of the Eassie, Nevay & Kirkinch Community Association Board meeting held on Monday 21st April 2014 at Eassie & Nevay Hall

Present: Bradly Yule (Chair), Debra Ritchie, Jane Brewster, Andy Blackie, Marianne Jenkins, Philip Jenkins, Andrew Brewster

Apologies: Amanda Garner, John Hamilton, John Duffy


  1.   Welcome & apologies

Apologies for absence were given


  1.   Workgroups

a)   Finance

John had emailed information with the current position. The payment to the company for maintenance of the hall floor had been paid but not yet presented.


b)   Corporate planning/Business development/Junior Council

John Duffy had tried to contact Michael Ryan regarding the information required for the web page but had been unable to find a date and time to suit both of them. He will try again. Bradly offered to help Andrew with making changes to the web page. It was suggested that new photographs would be useful.

Debra had looked at the cost for a BBC licence to show live events and found that a normal television licence would cover this.


c)   Policy & administration

Marianne asked everyone who does the weekly checks to make sure the boiler is set at the correct date and time before and after setting the programme for the week. On a couple of occasions this had altered and affected the timing of the heating.

Marianne will ensure the key-holder agreements are signed by the relevant people and will look at storage solutions for room 2.


d)   Events

Several events were planned for the coming months but Jane was concerned that there was insufficient publicity. Bradly will speak to John Duffy about this. There are 2 parties in the summer which will use a bar run by ENKCA, Andy is organising this.

Andy suggested having another themed meal evening and 12th July was agreed. It will be an Italian meal and Andy needs someone to take responsibility for the bar on the evening.

Jane reported that lets are increasing and she is unable to continue as the lead person for events as well as bookings. She asked for a replacement for the events position. More people from the community are needed to organise events and we may focus on four larger events per year and dispense with the smaller ones.

Andy will let Marianne know how many glasses are required for the bar and Jane will buy the microwave and crockery that is needed.

Phillip gave Debra £100 from the table tennis club which runs on Wednesday evenings.


e)   Communications

There was no report as John Duffy was not present.


f)   Fund-raising

An additional £600 had been secured from the Angus Environmental Trust for plants and shrubs in the garden. Debra acknowledged the work that Phillip had put into this.


g)   Buildings and maintenance

The solar panels had been checked and were working well. Phillip and Andy will monitor this. The hall floor was completed during the Easter break and ongoing treatment would cost approximately £400 every 12 – 18 months. It was agreed that ENKCA should establish a contract with the firm for ongoing treatment.

The light in the attic is flickering, Phillip and Andy will look at this.

The plants for the landscaped area will come on Friday 25th April. Phillip asked people to go to the hall on Saturday 26th on the morning to help with the planting.

There is a leak in the store cupboard but it is not certain from where it is coming. This will be monitored.

The threshold in the store is ongoing


Date of next meeting

The next meeting will take place on Monday 2nd June at 7.30pm.

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