Minute of the Annual General Meeting of Eassie Nevay & Kirkinch Community Association held on Tuesday 25h November 2014
Present: Bradly Yule (Chair), Debra Ritchie, John Hamilton, Fiona Brown, Philip Jenkins, Marianne Jenkins, John Brewster, Jane Brewster, Andrew Brewster, Neil McLeod, Mary Marshall. Sylvia Fleming, Linda Breckenridge, Sine Robertson, Andy Blackie
Apologies: David Ritchie, John Duffy, Ann Thorpe, Jim Breckenridge, George Marshall, Gordon Brown, Alison Ross
1. Apologies
Apologies for absence were given
2. Adoption of minute of November 2013 AGM
The minutes were approved unanimously
3. Report by the Chairman on the activities of the company
Bradly Yule reported that board members had taken responsibility for different remits: finance; policies and administration; corporate planning; communication; junior council; bookings; fund-raising and maintenance. They were supported by community members to achieve their goals and some had made more progress than others. He also reported on activities held during the past year. There had been several regular activities including yoga, zumba, kettlercise and art classes and many events, both public and private, held in the hall. He said the Board relied heavily on the enthusiasm of local members to help in the running of the organisation and thanked them for their support.
4. Financial report and accounts
A copy of the draft accounts and the cashbook spreadsheet were available to everyone present. John told the meeting that David Ritchie kept the cash-book up to date and John checked statements and prepared the accounts. This allowed for good checks on the accounts. He said that £41,793 had been raised between April 2013 and March 2014, this was divided between grants for specific purposes, fund-raising and hall lets. The largest grant was for the landscaping project and he thanked Debra Ritchie for making the grant applications to cover the cost of this. The overall figure at the end of the year was similar to that of the previous year so income had covered expenditure.
John reported that while the retention monies had been paid by cheque earlier in the year, the cheque had not yet been presented.
The balance of the account at the end of March allowed for £10,000 for the capital fund, running costs for one year and a balance of £6,000. John suggested that the capital fund should be raised to £25,000.
The accounts will be signed by an Independent examiner after they have been approved by the Board and David Ritchie.
5. Ratify the appointment of an Independent Examiner of the accounts
John Hamilton proposed Bruce Dingwall, the Finance Controller of Stagecoach, as Independent Examiner. This was approved by the meeting. Bradly thanked John for the work he had put into the accounts.
6. To consider the ratification of any co-opted Directors and/or the election of new Directors
John Duffy and Bradly Yule resigned from the Board and John Hamilton advised of his intention to step down as Director. Six Directors were willing to remain on the board. There were no nominations for new members but a couple of people had agreed to give it consideration. Bradly encouraged people to consider joining the Board or one of its sub-groups.
7. Report of buildings & operations group
Philip Jenkins reported that the landscaping on the west side of the hall had been completed. This had had a huge impact on people hiring the hall for parties and events. He thanked Ewan Grant for designing the garden and Eleanor Gledhill for her advice about the planting. There is now lighting around the hall and an external water tap and electricity socket.
The fire doors between the kitchen and hall and hall and boiler room had had a fire strip added and the main hall floor had been sanded and varnished. The hall floor will be varnished more regularly to ensure it keeps in good condition. Some decorating will need to be done in the coming year and the outside timber will need to have a coat of preservative. Philip requested support from the community with this to reduce costs.
Philip reported that the boiler had used 5 tonnes of pellets in the past 12 months at a cost of £1025. 6000kw hours of electricity had cost £1,100 so the average energy cost per week was £42. The annual cost for cleaning including products was £2,250.
8. A.O.C.B.
Andy asked about the Rural Heat Incentive; this will be considered. Jane had some information about this and will email this to John Hamilton. Fiona asked about a Defibrillator for outside the hall – something which had been suggested at the Heart Start evening in April. Memus Hall has one and there is money available to help towards the cost. Philip asked if user groups of the hall should be asked to submit comments and report to the Directors twice per year.
Andy thanked Bradly for taking the position of Chairperson for the past few years and for his work for ENKCA. Bradly thanked the Directors for their support and work during the past year.
John Hamilton suggested everyone present should bring two people with them to next year’s A.G.M.
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