Minute of the Eassie, Nevay & Kirkinch Community Association Board meeting held on Monday 20th October 2014 at Eassie & Nevay Hall Present: Bradly Yule (Chair), Jane Brewster, Andrew Brewster, Marianne Jenkins, Philip Jenkins Apologies: John Hamilton, Debra Ritchie, John Duffy & Andy Blackie |
1. Welcome & apologies Apologies for absence were given. As meeting was quorate (ie. 4 or more Directors present) the meeting proceeded. 2. Workgroups a) Finance John Hamilton was unable to attend the meeting but had sent a report to the Board. Current balance is a relatively healthy. Considered that to allow financial continuity for years to come a financial plan is put in place for the next few years. This would allow for Directors to budget with forecasted income and expenditure to allow for equipment replacement and regular planned maintenance. This would ensure continuity for ENKCA finances and help to budget for unforeseen circumstances in the future. Proposed that Andy Blackie & Philip Jenkins draw up a maintenance schedule and meet with John Hamilton & David Ritchie to discuss further. b) Corporate planning/Business development/Junior Council No business to report. c) Policy & administration Installation of fire strip between kitchen and main hall has been completed. Annual fire risk assessment to be carried out and file in box in admin cupboard. Current Scottish Government water charges exemption scheme will be replaced on 1st April 2015 with a new scheme for all charities and activity clubs earning less than £200,000 annually being eligible: further details of scheme and application process to be intimated in due course. d)Events/Lets Jane gave an update of the hall lets. Arrangements for opening\closing for forthcoming events were made. Possible hirers had enquired about erection of decorating systems and alternative lighting for events within main hall. Remitted to maintenance directors to devise controllable systems for fixings of decorations and fitting of additional lighting systems: hirers will then be advised accordingly. Jazz Night was discussed and agreed to accept the offer to host this events at Eassie Hall as most arrangements will be made by organisers; licence to be applied for and some ENKCA volunteers will be required. Provision of equipment for hire: at present 120 can be catered for in terms of crockery, cutlery & seating. With increase in booking enquiries and hires it is proposed that we increase the catered-for capacity to 150. Various solutions to storage of additional chairs were discussed including matching current chairs in hall with similar in café area and\or stacking storage in café\rooms, replacement of banquet chairs with folding chairs. Remitted to Marianne Jenkins and Jane Brewster to produce costed options. Crockery breakages: Bradly Yule will print envelopes with the cost of items and these will be left for users to complete at the end of their event. Marianne Jenkins to provide Bradly Yule with a list of items to go in the envelope together with their prices, e) CommunicationsNo update received from co-ordinator, John Duffy. Chairman to seek a communications progress report, forward plan and achievable targets for the AGM. Noted website still to be sorted out and agreed that as website will need constant updating the task would be easier with a technical expert on board, possibly funded by advertising revenue. Bradly Yule to report to next meeting with costs of a revamp of website and of a maintenance contract for updating of the site.Work on new e-mail list is progressing.Agreed arrangements should be made to provide back-up expertise on the operation of digital noticeboard. f) fund-raisingJane Brewster will approach Agrico about funding of garden plaque.Andrew Brewster reported on discussions with David Lawrence about possible release of a Wildflex card. This card would cost an initial £10 and is a top-up card operating through the visa system; can be used for purchases in any store and in nominated stores and online outlets. Implementing this scheme would provide a 5% return to ENKCA and to the user. David Lawrence would be the facilitator for Wildflex. Andrew Brewster to ask David Lawrence if he would make a presentation, possibly at the AGM, to the community explaining the proposal and how members and ENKCA could benefit from the scheme. g) Buildings and maintenancePhilip Jenkins reported the fire strip had been fitted to kitchen/main hall and Marc Lear-Jones had replaced defective audio socket, the replacement being provided foc by Canford Audio plc.Last week 10 light bulbs at cost of £40 had been fitted, this is a frequent maintenance task and agreed to investigate possible replacement of low energy bulbs with longer lasting LED bulbs in same fittings.No progress has been made on fire-proofing the curtains.Boiler had previously been stripped down and cleaned; maintenance schedule for boiler to be consulted to ascertain if a professional service is required or if this can be done in-house.Approximately 1.5 tonnes boiler fuel remains, estimated a refill before Christmas will be necessary. 3. Annual General MeetingThis will be held at 8pm on 25th November in Eassie & Nevay Hall; refreshments to be provided. Bradly Yule intimated his intention to resign as Director.Agreed there is a requirement to create more enthusiasm and attract more volunteers both to act as Directors and to help with general administration of the hall. 4. SE Ingliston turbineInterested parties are invited to attend Angus Council Development Management Committee meeting where this item will be discussed. To be held at 11.15an on Tuesday 4th November in the Canmore Room Forfar. 5. Date of next meetingThe next meeting will be a pre-AGM meeting on 17th November 2014 at 7pm. |
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