Board meeting 2nd June 2014

Minute of the Eassie, Nevay & Kirkinch Community Association Board meeting held on Monday 2nd June 2014 at Eassie & Nevay Hall

Present: Bradly Yule (Chair), Debra Ritchie, Jane Brewster,  Andy Blackie, Andrew Brewster
Apologies: John Hamilton, John Duffy

1.         Welcome & apologies
Apologies for absence were given. Amanda Garner had resigned from the Board.

2.         Workgroups

a)   Finance
John was unable to attend the meeting.

b)   Corporate planning/Business development/Junior Council
Andrew said there were just a few people following ENKCA’s facebook and twitter feeds. Andy offered to take more photographs and publish them on the facebook site. Each week’s events could be published on facebook to inform the public about what is on. Information about events will be published in “The Glack”.

c)   Policy & administration
Marianne had been unable to attend the meeting.

d)   Events
There is no longer a Director to co-ordinate events but planned events for this year will go ahead. Four larger events will take place each year with less reliance on smaller ones. As bookings for the hall are increasing there is a need to concentrate time on ensuring this does not become too onerous for the booking secretary.

e)   Communications
John Duffy had suggested that the e-mail list should be refreshed. Bradly will draft a form for people to add their email address if they wish to have communications from ENKCA. This can be left in the hall for people to complete.  Jane will ask attenders of the yoga classes to add their details to the form if they wish to be included.

f)   Fund-raising
The £600 grant from the Angus Environmental Trust had been received. Debra said she had advised funders of the garden that ENKCA would erect a plaque with an acknowledgement of their contribution. Jane will contact Astute to ascertain the cost. Bradly offered to make a temporary one if needed.

g)   Buildings and maintenance
There was a query about the café lights working but this seemed to be intermittent. Andy will monitor this. Andy said the leak in the store room had been located and he needed a dry day to go onto the roof to fix it.

Andy and John had been working with Angus DEC to agree the form of a note to record our sign-off of final snagging issues etc. including making a final retention payment due of £3,200 (postscript – this has now been agreed with ADC on 3rd June and a cheque will be issued covering all retention issues. This does not release ADC from general building structure and finishing warranties etc.).

Jane asked if the main hall could be re-painted as a couple of weddings had been booked for the hall and interest in bookings was increasing. It was suggested that washable paint be used.

Debra asked if the Board wished to have the hall cleaned every week over the summer. As there are more bookings this summer it was decided to continue with the weekly cleaning.

Andy and Bradly suggested they could make round table tops which could be affixed to the café tables and easily stored. This will be considered in the future.

Date of next meeting
Debra will ask for availability for the week commencing 25th August before setting a date.

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