Board meeting August 2014

Minute of the Eassie, Nevay & Kirkinch Community Association Board meeting held on Monday 25th August 2014 at Eassie & Nevay Hall

Present: Bradly Yule (Chair), Debra Ritchie, Jane Brewster, Andy Blackie, Andrew Brewster, John Duffy, Marianne Jenkins, Philip Jenkins

Apologies: John Hamilton

1. Welcome & apologies
Apologies for absence were given.

2. Workgroups

a) Finance
John was unable to attend the meeting but had sent a report to the Board. The retention money will be paid within the next week. Philip said he would like to review income and expenditure over the past 18 months at the next meeting. The Board expressed their appreciation of John’s input.

b) Corporate planning/Business development/Junior Council
Debra reported that OSCR had produced a consultation document on proposed changes to the annual return charities make to OSCR. If accepted some of the recommendations would affect ENKCA . The Board will ensure it meets any new requirements.

c) Policy & administration
Marianne reported that she had drawn up a new rota for volunteers to check the kitchen equipment each month. The list of duty auditors (weekly check of hall) will be completed soon. On the final week of the duty auditor’s responsibility s/he should remind the next person that they are due to take over. The list of checks will include recording the total on the electricity meter and a check of the projector and audio equipment cables. Bradly will check the cost of annual maintenance of the A.V. equipment.

A list of key-holders and their phone numbers will go in the log book and be displayed on the notice board outside the hall.

John Duffy volunteered to do the annual fire risk assessment. Andrew Brewster will assist. It was noted that the door between the main hall and kitchen should have a fire strip.

d) Events/Lets
Bradly congratulated everyone involved in organising the August afternoon teas in the hall. They had been very successful and Debra reported that they should raise over £1400 by the end of the month.

Jane gave an update of the hall lets. There was discussion about breakages of crockery and glasses. Bradly will print envelopes with the cost of items and these will be left for users to complete at the end of their event. Marianne will provide Bradly with a list of items to go on the envelope together with their prices.

Jane mentioned that the web site did not give the correct information about conditions of let. Jane will review this and make suggested amendments.

e) Communications
John Dufy will put together a new e-mail list and pursue re-designing the web page so that it can be easily changed.

f) Fund-raising
Jane will approach Agrico to see if they are willing to donate to the garden project and then finalise the plaque for the garden. Andy said £650 had been raised from running a bar for a private event at the hall.

g) Buildings and maintenance
The fans in the toilets have been fixed and a strip along the floor in the store cupboard laid. The doors to room 1 and the bar now close properly. There is a need to re-set the door facings in room 2 and fix the leak in the store cupboard. This can be done once the afternoon teas are finished. Jane thanked Andy and Philip for fixing the shower room door and Gordon Brown for cutting the grass at the side of the hall.

There was discussion about fire-proofing the curtains. Philip and Bradly will do this.

Michael Ryan had sent the Board an email he had received from Glendevon about servicing the boiler. Andy will check to see what the service entails.

Date of next meeting
The next meeting will be on 20th October at 7.30pm


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