2014 Annual General Meeting

Minute of the Annual General Meeting of Eassie Nevay & Kirkinch Community Association held on Tuesday 25h November 2014

Present: Bradly Yule (Chair), Debra Ritchie, John Hamilton, Fiona Brown, Philip Jenkins, Marianne Jenkins, John Brewster, Jane Brewster, Andrew Brewster, Neil McLeod, Mary Marshall. Sylvia Fleming, Linda Breckenridge, Sine Robertson, Andy Blackie

Apologies: David Ritchie, John Duffy, Ann Thorpe, Jim Breckenridge, George Marshall, Gordon Brown, Alison Ross

1. Apologies

Apologies for absence were given

2. Adoption of minute of November 2013 AGM

The minutes were approved unanimously

3. Report by the Chairman on the activities of the company

Bradly Yule reported that board members had taken responsibility for different remits: finance; policies and administration; corporate planning; communication; junior council; bookings; fund-raising and maintenance. They were supported by community members to achieve their goals and some had made more progress than others. He also reported on activities held during the past year. There had been several regular activities including yoga, zumba, kettlercise and art classes and many events, both public and private, held in the hall. He said the Board relied heavily on the enthusiasm of local members to help in the running of the organisation and thanked them for their support.

4. Financial report and accounts

A copy of the draft accounts and the cashbook spreadsheet were available to everyone present. John told the meeting that David Ritchie kept the cash-book up to date and John checked statements and prepared the accounts. This allowed for good checks on the accounts. He said that £41,793 had been raised between April 2013 and March 2014, this was divided between grants for specific purposes, fund-raising and hall lets. The largest grant was for the landscaping project and he thanked Debra Ritchie for making the grant applications to cover the cost of this. The overall figure at the end of the year was similar to that of the previous year so income had covered expenditure.

John reported that while the retention monies had been paid by cheque earlier in the year, the cheque had not yet been presented.

The balance of the account at the end of March allowed for £10,000 for the capital fund, running costs for one year and a balance of £6,000. John suggested that the capital fund should be raised to £25,000.

The accounts will be signed by an Independent examiner after they have been approved by the Board and David Ritchie.

5. Ratify the appointment of an Independent Examiner of the accounts

John Hamilton proposed Bruce Dingwall, the Finance Controller of Stagecoach, as Independent Examiner. This was approved by the meeting. Bradly thanked John for the work he had put into the accounts.

6. To consider the ratification of any co-opted Directors and/or the election of new Directors

John Duffy and Bradly Yule resigned from the Board and John Hamilton advised of his intention to step down as Director. Six Directors were willing to remain on the board. There were no nominations for new members but a couple of people had agreed to give it consideration. Bradly encouraged people to consider joining the Board or one of its sub-groups.

7. Report of buildings & operations group

Philip Jenkins reported that the landscaping on the west side of the hall had been completed. This had had a huge impact on people hiring the hall for parties and events. He thanked Ewan Grant for designing the garden and Eleanor Gledhill for her advice about the planting. There is now lighting around the hall and an external water tap and electricity socket.

The fire doors between the kitchen and hall and hall and boiler room had had a fire strip added and the main hall floor had been sanded and varnished. The hall floor will be varnished more regularly to ensure it keeps in good condition. Some decorating will need to be done in the coming year and the outside timber will need to have a coat of preservative. Philip requested support from the community with this to reduce costs.

Philip reported that the boiler had used 5 tonnes of pellets in the past 12 months at a cost of £1025. 6000kw hours of electricity had cost £1,100 so the average energy cost per week was £42. The annual cost for cleaning including products was £2,250.

8. A.O.C.B.

Andy asked about the Rural Heat Incentive; this will be considered. Jane had some information about this and will email this to John Hamilton. Fiona asked about a Defibrillator for outside the hall – something which had been suggested at the Heart Start evening in April. Memus Hall has one and there is money available to help towards the cost. Philip asked if user groups of the hall should be asked to submit comments and report to the Directors twice per year.

Andy thanked Bradly for taking the position of Chairperson for the past few years and for his work for ENKCA. Bradly thanked the Directors for their support and work during the past year.

John Hamilton suggested everyone present should bring two people with them to next year’s A.G.M.

Board meeting October 2014

Minute of the Eassie, Nevay & Kirkinch Community Association Board meeting held on Monday 20th October 2014 at Eassie & Nevay Hall
Present: Bradly Yule (Chair), Jane Brewster, Andrew Brewster, Marianne Jenkins, Philip Jenkins
Apologies: John Hamilton, Debra Ritchie, John Duffy & Andy Blackie

1. Welcome & apologies
Apologies for absence were given. As meeting was quorate (ie. 4 or more Directors present) the meeting proceeded.
2. Workgroups
a) Finance
John Hamilton was unable to attend the meeting but had sent a report to the Board. Current balance is a relatively healthy. Considered that to allow financial continuity for years to come a financial plan is put in place for the next few years. This would allow for Directors to budget with forecasted income and expenditure to allow for equipment replacement and regular planned maintenance. This would ensure continuity for ENKCA finances and help to budget for unforeseen circumstances in the future. Proposed that Andy Blackie & Philip Jenkins draw up a maintenance schedule and meet with John Hamilton & David Ritchie to discuss further.
b) Corporate planning/Business development/Junior Council
No business to report.
c) Policy & administration
Installation of fire strip between kitchen and main hall has been completed.
Annual fire risk assessment to be carried out and file in box in admin cupboard.
Current Scottish Government water charges exemption scheme will be replaced on 1st April 2015 with a new scheme for all charities and activity clubs earning less than £200,000 annually being eligible: further details of scheme and application process to be intimated in due course.
Jane gave an update of the hall lets.
Arrangements for opening\closing for forthcoming events were made.
Possible hirers had enquired about erection of decorating systems and alternative lighting for events within main hall. Remitted to maintenance directors to devise controllable systems for fixings of decorations and fitting of additional lighting systems: hirers will then be advised accordingly.
Jazz Night was discussed and agreed to accept the offer to host this events at Eassie Hall as most arrangements will be made by organisers; licence to be applied for and some ENKCA volunteers will be required.
Provision of equipment for hire: at present 120 can be catered for in terms of crockery, cutlery & seating. With increase in booking enquiries and hires it is proposed that we increase the catered-for capacity to 150. Various solutions to storage of additional chairs were discussed including matching current chairs in hall with similar in café area and\or stacking storage in café\rooms, replacement of banquet chairs with folding chairs. Remitted to Marianne Jenkins and Jane Brewster to produce costed options.
Crockery breakages: Bradly Yule will print envelopes with the cost of items and these will be left for users to complete at the end of their event. Marianne Jenkins to provide Bradly Yule with a list of items to go in the envelope together with their prices, e) CommunicationsNo update received from co-ordinator, John Duffy. Chairman to seek a communications progress report, forward plan and achievable targets for the AGM. Noted website still to be sorted out and agreed that as website will need constant updating the task would be easier with a technical expert on board, possibly funded by advertising revenue. Bradly Yule to report to next meeting with costs of a revamp of website and of a maintenance contract for updating of the site.Work on new e-mail list is progressing.Agreed arrangements should be made to provide back-up expertise on the operation of digital noticeboard. f) fund-raisingJane Brewster will approach Agrico about funding of garden plaque.Andrew Brewster reported on discussions with David Lawrence about possible release of a Wildflex card. This card would cost an initial £10 and is a top-up card operating through the visa system; can be used for purchases in any store and in nominated stores and online outlets. Implementing this scheme would provide a 5% return to ENKCA and to the user. David Lawrence would be the facilitator for Wildflex. Andrew Brewster to ask David Lawrence if he would make a presentation, possibly at the AGM, to the community explaining the proposal and how members and ENKCA could benefit from the scheme. g) Buildings and maintenancePhilip Jenkins reported the fire strip had been fitted to kitchen/main  hall and Marc Lear-Jones had replaced defective audio socket, the replacement being provided foc by Canford Audio plc.Last week 10 light bulbs at cost of £40 had been fitted, this is a frequent maintenance task and agreed to investigate possible replacement of low energy bulbs with longer lasting LED bulbs in same fittings.No progress has been made on fire-proofing the curtains.Boiler had previously been stripped down and cleaned; maintenance schedule for boiler to be consulted to ascertain if a professional service is required or if this can be done in-house.Approximately 1.5 tonnes boiler fuel remains, estimated a refill before Christmas will be necessary. 3.   Annual General MeetingThis will be held at 8pm on 25th November in Eassie & Nevay Hall; refreshments to be provided. Bradly Yule intimated his intention to resign as Director.Agreed there is a requirement to create more enthusiasm and attract more volunteers both to act as Directors and to help with general administration of the hall. 4.   SE Ingliston turbineInterested parties are invited to attend Angus Council Development Management Committee meeting where this item will be discussed. To be held at 11.15an on Tuesday 4th November in the Canmore Room Forfar. 5.   Date of next meetingThe next meeting will be a pre-AGM meeting on 17th November 2014 at 7pm.

Board meeting August 2014

Minute of the Eassie, Nevay & Kirkinch Community Association Board meeting held on Monday 25th August 2014 at Eassie & Nevay Hall

Present: Bradly Yule (Chair), Debra Ritchie, Jane Brewster, Andy Blackie, Andrew Brewster, John Duffy, Marianne Jenkins, Philip Jenkins

Apologies: John Hamilton

1. Welcome & apologies
Apologies for absence were given.

2. Workgroups

a) Finance
John was unable to attend the meeting but had sent a report to the Board. The retention money will be paid within the next week. Philip said he would like to review income and expenditure over the past 18 months at the next meeting. The Board expressed their appreciation of John’s input.

b) Corporate planning/Business development/Junior Council
Debra reported that OSCR had produced a consultation document on proposed changes to the annual return charities make to OSCR. If accepted some of the recommendations would affect ENKCA . The Board will ensure it meets any new requirements.

c) Policy & administration
Marianne reported that she had drawn up a new rota for volunteers to check the kitchen equipment each month. The list of duty auditors (weekly check of hall) will be completed soon. On the final week of the duty auditor’s responsibility s/he should remind the next person that they are due to take over. The list of checks will include recording the total on the electricity meter and a check of the projector and audio equipment cables. Bradly will check the cost of annual maintenance of the A.V. equipment.

A list of key-holders and their phone numbers will go in the log book and be displayed on the notice board outside the hall.

John Duffy volunteered to do the annual fire risk assessment. Andrew Brewster will assist. It was noted that the door between the main hall and kitchen should have a fire strip.

d) Events/Lets
Bradly congratulated everyone involved in organising the August afternoon teas in the hall. They had been very successful and Debra reported that they should raise over £1400 by the end of the month.

Jane gave an update of the hall lets. There was discussion about breakages of crockery and glasses. Bradly will print envelopes with the cost of items and these will be left for users to complete at the end of their event. Marianne will provide Bradly with a list of items to go on the envelope together with their prices.

Jane mentioned that the web site did not give the correct information about conditions of let. Jane will review this and make suggested amendments.

e) Communications
John Dufy will put together a new e-mail list and pursue re-designing the web page so that it can be easily changed.

f) Fund-raising
Jane will approach Agrico to see if they are willing to donate to the garden project and then finalise the plaque for the garden. Andy said £650 had been raised from running a bar for a private event at the hall.

g) Buildings and maintenance
The fans in the toilets have been fixed and a strip along the floor in the store cupboard laid. The doors to room 1 and the bar now close properly. There is a need to re-set the door facings in room 2 and fix the leak in the store cupboard. This can be done once the afternoon teas are finished. Jane thanked Andy and Philip for fixing the shower room door and Gordon Brown for cutting the grass at the side of the hall.

There was discussion about fire-proofing the curtains. Philip and Bradly will do this.

Michael Ryan had sent the Board an email he had received from Glendevon about servicing the boiler. Andy will check to see what the service entails.

Date of next meeting
The next meeting will be on 20th October at 7.30pm


Board meeting 2nd June 2014

Minute of the Eassie, Nevay & Kirkinch Community Association Board meeting held on Monday 2nd June 2014 at Eassie & Nevay Hall

Present: Bradly Yule (Chair), Debra Ritchie, Jane Brewster,  Andy Blackie, Andrew Brewster
Apologies: John Hamilton, John Duffy

1.         Welcome & apologies
Apologies for absence were given. Amanda Garner had resigned from the Board.

2.         Workgroups

a)   Finance
John was unable to attend the meeting.

b)   Corporate planning/Business development/Junior Council
Andrew said there were just a few people following ENKCA’s facebook and twitter feeds. Andy offered to take more photographs and publish them on the facebook site. Each week’s events could be published on facebook to inform the public about what is on. Information about events will be published in “The Glack”.

c)   Policy & administration
Marianne had been unable to attend the meeting.

d)   Events
There is no longer a Director to co-ordinate events but planned events for this year will go ahead. Four larger events will take place each year with less reliance on smaller ones. As bookings for the hall are increasing there is a need to concentrate time on ensuring this does not become too onerous for the booking secretary.

e)   Communications
John Duffy had suggested that the e-mail list should be refreshed. Bradly will draft a form for people to add their email address if they wish to have communications from ENKCA. This can be left in the hall for people to complete.  Jane will ask attenders of the yoga classes to add their details to the form if they wish to be included.

f)   Fund-raising
The £600 grant from the Angus Environmental Trust had been received. Debra said she had advised funders of the garden that ENKCA would erect a plaque with an acknowledgement of their contribution. Jane will contact Astute to ascertain the cost. Bradly offered to make a temporary one if needed.

g)   Buildings and maintenance
There was a query about the café lights working but this seemed to be intermittent. Andy will monitor this. Andy said the leak in the store room had been located and he needed a dry day to go onto the roof to fix it.

Andy and John had been working with Angus DEC to agree the form of a note to record our sign-off of final snagging issues etc. including making a final retention payment due of £3,200 (postscript – this has now been agreed with ADC on 3rd June and a cheque will be issued covering all retention issues. This does not release ADC from general building structure and finishing warranties etc.).

Jane asked if the main hall could be re-painted as a couple of weddings had been booked for the hall and interest in bookings was increasing. It was suggested that washable paint be used.

Debra asked if the Board wished to have the hall cleaned every week over the summer. As there are more bookings this summer it was decided to continue with the weekly cleaning.

Andy and Bradly suggested they could make round table tops which could be affixed to the café tables and easily stored. This will be considered in the future.

Date of next meeting
Debra will ask for availability for the week commencing 25th August before setting a date.

Board meeting 21st April 2014

Minute of the Eassie, Nevay & Kirkinch Community Association Board meeting held on Monday 21st April 2014 at Eassie & Nevay Hall

Present: Bradly Yule (Chair), Debra Ritchie, Jane Brewster, Andy Blackie, Marianne Jenkins, Philip Jenkins, Andrew Brewster

Apologies: Amanda Garner, John Hamilton, John Duffy


  1.   Welcome & apologies

Apologies for absence were given


  1.   Workgroups

a)   Finance

John had emailed information with the current position. The payment to the company for maintenance of the hall floor had been paid but not yet presented.


b)   Corporate planning/Business development/Junior Council

John Duffy had tried to contact Michael Ryan regarding the information required for the web page but had been unable to find a date and time to suit both of them. He will try again. Bradly offered to help Andrew with making changes to the web page. It was suggested that new photographs would be useful.

Debra had looked at the cost for a BBC licence to show live events and found that a normal television licence would cover this.


c)   Policy & administration

Marianne asked everyone who does the weekly checks to make sure the boiler is set at the correct date and time before and after setting the programme for the week. On a couple of occasions this had altered and affected the timing of the heating.

Marianne will ensure the key-holder agreements are signed by the relevant people and will look at storage solutions for room 2.


d)   Events

Several events were planned for the coming months but Jane was concerned that there was insufficient publicity. Bradly will speak to John Duffy about this. There are 2 parties in the summer which will use a bar run by ENKCA, Andy is organising this.

Andy suggested having another themed meal evening and 12th July was agreed. It will be an Italian meal and Andy needs someone to take responsibility for the bar on the evening.

Jane reported that lets are increasing and she is unable to continue as the lead person for events as well as bookings. She asked for a replacement for the events position. More people from the community are needed to organise events and we may focus on four larger events per year and dispense with the smaller ones.

Andy will let Marianne know how many glasses are required for the bar and Jane will buy the microwave and crockery that is needed.

Phillip gave Debra £100 from the table tennis club which runs on Wednesday evenings.


e)   Communications

There was no report as John Duffy was not present.


f)   Fund-raising

An additional £600 had been secured from the Angus Environmental Trust for plants and shrubs in the garden. Debra acknowledged the work that Phillip had put into this.


g)   Buildings and maintenance

The solar panels had been checked and were working well. Phillip and Andy will monitor this. The hall floor was completed during the Easter break and ongoing treatment would cost approximately £400 every 12 – 18 months. It was agreed that ENKCA should establish a contract with the firm for ongoing treatment.

The light in the attic is flickering, Phillip and Andy will look at this.

The plants for the landscaped area will come on Friday 25th April. Phillip asked people to go to the hall on Saturday 26th on the morning to help with the planting.

There is a leak in the store cupboard but it is not certain from where it is coming. This will be monitored.

The threshold in the store is ongoing


Date of next meeting

The next meeting will take place on Monday 2nd June at 7.30pm.

Board meeting 3rd March

Minute of the Eassie, Nevay & Kirkinch Community Association Board meeting held on Monday 3rd March 2014 at Eassie & Nevay Hall

Present: Bradly Yule (Chair), Debra Ritchie, Jane Brewster, John Duffy, Andy Blackie, Marianne Jenkins, Philip Jenkins, Amanda Garner, John Hamilton
Apologies: Andrew Brewster

1.         Welcome & apologies

Apologies for absence were given

2.         Workgroups

a)   Finance

John gave the up to date position of ENKCA finances. The income from regular lets is £137 per week and the cost of electricity and pellets over the winter was £60 per week. Regular lets cover the running costs of the hall with additional lets and fund-raising events providing extra income for maintenance and improvements. It was agreed that it would be beneficial to encourage new users of the hall to consider days when the hall is already used to maximise the heating costs.

b)   Corporate planning/Business development/Junior Council

As Andrew was not present it was agreed to defer discussion of the web-site until the next meeting. Amanda, Jane and Debra had met to discuss ways to involve young people in the hall. They had suggested organising a film show during the Easter break but there was some uncertainty about licences. There followed a discussion about showing live sports events during the summer. John Duffy will research the cost implications with Sky and Bradly will look into the costs for a BBC licence.

c)   Policy & administration

Marianne had emailed a draft key-holder sheet to the Board. She will add an agreement for names and telephone numbers to be displayed on the notice board and then circulate to key-holders to sign.

The responsible user for hall lets must have fire-risk training and sign the log to confirm they have done so.

There was some discussion about the need for lockable storage for the administrative files, possibly in room 2. Marianne will give Andy measurements so he can provide costs. This will be brought back to a future meeting for further discussion.

John Duffy has contacted Michael Ryan about the access code for the computer and will meet with him soon.

d)   Events

The Wildlife Crime Officer had not replied to Andy; Jane will pursue this. The weekend for the spring clean had been agreed for 5 and 6 April but this will have to be altered due to work in the hall during the spring break. Jane will provide a list of jobs to be done so people can choose what they would like to do and bring the appropriate equipment with them.

There had been no progress with organising a drop-in afternoon on Wednesdays.

Jane asked if she could buy some more crockery and glasses as there had been some breakages and no longer 120 each of all crockery items.  Jane will cost these and provide John with the figure before ordering. It was agreed that a domestic microwave cooker can be bought. Jane should ask for it to be P.A.T. tested before delivery.

e)   Communications

A piece will be given to Dudley Trefry for The Glack, the Newtyle Church newsletter, each month. This will include a list of forthcoming events. Twitter is now operating again but has only 8 followers. More need to be encouraged to join. Facebook is also available and should be used more. John will send links for both to the Board so they can use them on emails. John will update the community email list once he gets it from Michael.

f)   Fund-raising

The application to Grow Wild had been unsuccessful but Debra had applied to them for free seeds and bird boxes. She had also applied to Foundation Scotland for plants for the garden as well as the development of the piece of land behind the hall into a wild-flower area.

Phillip had met the Manager from Angus Environmental Trust and explained that their grant had been fully utilised but we still need funds for plants. The manager had said if the grant had not yet been closed he might be able to increase it to cover the costs of the plants. He will find out and let Phillip know. The AET still has money for environmental projects and will close next year so all applications have to be made before then.

Phillip will contact Elinor Gledhill about the number and types of plants needed and ask a few nurseries to quote for them with delivery.

g)   Buildings and maintenance

The baby changing unit has been moved to the easy access toilet and the alarm in the toilet is now working. Andy mentioned that the old benches were causing damage to the walls and requested their removal. Jane will store all but one which will be kept in the hallway. This one will have rubber stops put on the back of it.

The hall floor is deteriorating and Andy had 3 quotations for it to be sanded and re-lacquered. The cheapest was £1700 with additional costs of £400 for ongoing maintenance every 12 – 18 months. This was agreed and Andy will try to have the work done in the first week of the spring break.

The solar panels are not working, Andy and Phillip will look at the panels and find out what needs to be done.

The light bulbs in the main hall are starting to blow and will need to be replaced soon.

3.         A.O.C.B.

Jane reported that the Land Fund has re-opened for communities who want to buy land. John Duffy will speak to Iain Gaul about this. The school’s Parent Council may want to support this.

Jane asked if we could set bar prices for ENKCA running a bar for lets. Andy will look at this.

John Duffy reported a good meeting with Angus Council re emergency contingency. They have useful resources which could be given to ENKCA but these would have to be stored.

Date of next meeting
The next meeting will take place on Monday 21st April at 7.30pm.

Board meeting 23 January 2014

Minute of the Eassie, Nevay & Kirkinch Community Association Board meeting held on Thursday 23rd January 2014 at Eassie & Nevay Hall

Present: Bradly Yule (Chair), Debra Ritchie, Jane Brewster, Andrew Brewster, John Duffy, Andy Blackie, Marianne Jenkins, Philip Jenkins
Apologies: John Hamilton, Amanda Garner

1.         Welcome & apologies

Apologies for absence were given

2.         Workgroups

a)   Finance

John was unable to attend the meeting but had emailed an up to date bank statement and details of the Hogmanay party which had raised £1,016.

Business input

Fund-raising target – At the last meeting Jane had suggested the Board have a fund-raising target. She reported that lets for the hall excluding yoga, Zumba and kettlercise should raise approximately £3,000 this year. Philip had monitored the hall’s fuel consumption over the past 3 months and found during winter the hall uses approximately 127kw hours per week and .2 tonnes of wood pellets. The cost of these is approximately £60 per week. It was suggested that a the next meeting the Board should look at all running costs to ensure regular bookings meet the cost of running the hall.

b)   Corporate planning/Business development

Andrew reported that he had drafted a template for businesses to use to advertise on ENKCA’s web site. There was discussion of the web site and the need to train people to keep it up to date. John Duffy will contact Michael Ryan and Andrew will speak to Melissa Lawrence about the information needed to update the site.

c)   Policy & administration

Marianne had put a new key-holder list in the admin. cupboard. Of the three new keys purchased one has been given to Paul Phillipson-Masters for his kettlercise class and the other to Andy Blackie so he has a duplicate for contractors. It was emphasised that key holders must have training in the hall’s policies. They must also agree to have their names and numbers included on the list of key-holders to be displayed in the hall. Marianne will draft a form for key-holders to sign to agree to the conditions.

Marianne has put copies of the blank weekly check sheets in the file in the admin. cupboard. Completed sheets will be destroyed after 12 months.

Documents such as policies and procedures could be stored on the computer in the cupboard in room 2 but none of the Directors knows the access code. John Duffy will speak to Michael Ryan about this.

There was discussion around storage and Andy will put up brackets in the store room so some equipment can be stored off the floor. Once this is done the equipment in the main store will be re-arranged to try to maximise space. Bradly will find prices of storage equipment.

e)   Events

Jane gave an overview of the events planned for the year including heart-start in April, a dance and a Red Cross coffee morning in May, Nine Maidens Walk in June, Strawberry tea and barbeque in July, themed meal in July/August,  afternoon teas in August, Halloween party in October and Hogmanay dance in December. Andy will contact the Wildlife Crime Officer to see if he will give a talk in February. The community will be invited to join the annual clean of the hall in March.

It was agreed that ENKCA could offer to run a bar for outside organisations using the hall. A list of people who would be willing to run the bar is required.

Philip said he is organising a table tennis evening in the hall to run between 8pm and 10pm on Wednesdays. The cost will be £4.

f)   Communications

This had been covered previously in the meeting.

g)   Fund-raising

Debra had applied to Grow Wild for plants for the garden area. As there were 50 grants to be given over 3 years across Scotland she was not optimistic of a successful outcome.

Philip reported that he had contacted Eleanor Gledhill about the landscaping and had a plan for planting. This would cost approximately £500. Philip will speak to John Hamilton to see if ENKCA can use existing funds to pay for this. Part of the garden needs to be de-stoned, forked and raked prior to planting. This will be included in the list of jobs to be done on the community clean day in March.

h)   Buildings and maintenance

Andy reported that work had been completed in and outside the hall. Flood lights had been installed around the building and the railings and gate had been installed in the garden area.

Issues outstanding include the shower room door which needs to be fixed and the door between the kitchen and main hall needs to have a fire strip. The gutters also need to be cleaned. The main hall floor was beginning to deface although it should have lasted for 5 years. The solar panel is still not working although it has been re-pressurised twice. Andy was still speaking to AD about finalising the contract but this was proving difficult.

Andy will move the baby-changing unit from the shower room to the easy access toilet. Alliance Electrical had apologised for not repairing the light in the easy access toilet. They will ensure it is done soon.

Alliance had quoted £245 plus V.A.T. for an alarm maintenance contact. This was agreed.

i).   Community integration and junior council

There was no report

3.         A.O.C.B.

Andy enquired about consumables e.g. glasses which seem to be reducing. There is also a shortage of crockery but this is due to some items being broken when they were moved from storage to the hall. There was discussion about the cost of the hall for parties. It was agreed to look at price packages and see if this better meets the needs of party organisers.

John had twice called the Emergency Contingency Department at Angus Council about the use of the hall in an emergency but had not received a reply.

Marianne reported that the Angus Federation of Village Halls had established a small group to look at environmental improvements. The Angus Environmental Trust may pay for energy efficient light fittings. Philip will monitor how long the light bulbs last in the hall and noted that some of the main hall ceiling strips needed to be replaced.

Andrew had emailed Angus Council about the suggested use of the hall car park for Eassie school. He had received a reply to say they are happy to amend their vehicle management plan.

Date of next meeting
The next meeting will take place on Monday 3rd March at 7.30pm.